On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 12:46:03AM +1000, Voytek Eymont wrote:
> Apr 10 00:37:13 palm postfix/smtp[12024]: setting up TLS connection to
> gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[7
> Apr 10 00:37:13 palm postfix/smtp[12024]: certificate verification failed
> for gmail-smtp-in.l.googl
> e.c
On 4/9/2011 9:46 AM, Voytek Eymont wrote:
I'm trying to setup smtp auth with Dovecot's sasl, I'm getting this in the
what does 'Anonymous TLS connection' mean:
is it as connection is set up prior to user authentication, is that what
it is ?
This has nothing to do with user authentication
I'm trying to setup smtp auth with Dovecot's sasl, I'm getting this in the
what does 'Anonymous TLS connection' mean:
is it as connection is set up prior to user authentication, is that what
it is ?
(or do I have a problem...?)
also, the 'certificate verification failed':
is it as I do no