On 2016-09-27 12:47, hyndavirap...@bel.co.in wrote:
Every 3000 Sheets of paper costs us a tree.. Save trees... Conserve
Trees. Don't print this email or any Files unless you really need
you like to save trees, by using more chars in every mails ?
Confidentiality Notice/गोपनीय सूचना
> Hi,
> Till now i have hard coded the ip address of next hop SMTP server in
> transportmap file. Now I want SMTP server to contact DNS server to get IP
> address. For that I have included hostname in transportmap file. But I
> dont know how to tell Postfix server to
Till now i have hard coded the ip address of next hop SMTP server in
transportmap file. Now I want SMTP server to contact DNS server to get IP
address. For that I have included hostname in transportmap file. But I
dont know how to tell Postfix server to contact DNS server.
Thanks and Regard