> Thanks for the reply. I have only configured the whole setup. I am
> getting DSN from relay server to sender but not from the destination.
> If the relay sends a DSN for success, the remote system won't send one.
> If the relay sends a DSN for failure, the remo
Thanks Wietse for the help.
By default Postfix server does not send DSN to sender. How can I make it
by default? Is therre any configuration parameter to set this?
> hyndavirap...@bel.co.in:
>> Thanks for the reply. I have only configured the whole setup. I am
>> getting DSN from
> Thanks for the reply. I have only configured the whole setup. I am
> getting DSN from relay server to sender but not from the destination.
If the relay sends a DSN for success, the remote system won't send one.
If the relay sends a DSN for failure, the remote system won
Thanks for the reply. I have only configured the whole setup. I am
getting DSN from relay server to sender but not from the destination.
I have a basic question.. how to enable DSN by default in postfix?
Thanks and regards
> hyndavirap...@bel.co.in:
>> getting delivered to send
> getting delivered to sender inbox. when Relay server forwards the mail to
> actual destination, Sender is not getting any notification.
Ask the remote system administrator why they aren't sending DSN.
I am not getting DSN from receiver to sender. My set up is as follows.
I have two domains, say a.abc.com and b.abc.com and one relay server.
When mail goes from one domain to other domain, mail goes through the
relay server.
I have tried to send mail form a.abc.com to b.abc.com through co