AW: how to deal with t-online's blocking

2022-11-30 Thread ludicree
Hi, only commercial websites and those of entities (e.V. etc.) require an imprint in germany. The "TOL problem" also occurs for private persons who do nothing wrong legally. And it also affects commercial services who do not host a website under the mail domain. Greets, Ludi -Ursprüngliche

Re: AW: how to deal with t-online's blocking

2022-11-30 Thread Henry R
The mail log did say: Nov 30 12:17:08 mx3 postfix/smtp[220173]: EEF9C9F07F: host[] refused to talk to me: 554 IP=xx.xx.xx.xx - None/bad reputation. Ask your postmaster for help or to contact for reset. (NOWL) I use the contact from the returned

Re: AW: how to deal with t-online's blocking

2022-11-30 Thread Henry R
I am trying to ecnrypt email storage at rest, such as Two-way encryption and decryption. Thanks :) > > Hello Henry, > I am running my own email-server as well and can connect to t-online. I > assume Viktor is right that they somehow check the imprint of a parallel web > site. My website does

AW: how to deal with t-online's blocking

2022-11-30 Thread ludicree
Hi, I remember writing to TOL on behalf of a .net organisation. And request they whitelist the new IP of their server. That worked. The address should be in your logfile with the reject. Did you use that or some other channel to talk to them? So many companies ignore basic things like abuses.

AW: how to deal with t-online's blocking

2022-11-29 Thread Joachim Lindenberg
Hello Henry, I am running my own email-server as well and can connect to t-online. I assume Viktor is right that they somehow check the imprint of a parallel web site. My website does not indicate I am offering email service commercially, which in fact I do only to organizations I know personall