I create the list in ldap with groups.
in my main.cf:
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap.cf
ldap.cf contains:
server_host = server.ldap
search_base = ou=Groups,dc=domain,dc=my
result_attribute = memberUid
scope = sub
query_filter = mail=%s
when you create group, must put att
As I understand it, special_result_attribute is expected to be a DN
type, since it then uses the results of that to look up the DNs
referenced, trying to find result_attribute under them. It wouldn't be
valid to have rfc822member listen in special_result_attribute.
Thomas wrote:
# cat /etc/postfix/groups.cf
server_host = ldap.domain.com
version = 3
search_base = ou=groups,ou=mail,dc=domain,dc=com
query_filter =
result_attribute = rfc822member
special_result_attribute = dnmember
I followed and read LDAP_README about groups. Everything works well
_EXCEPT_ for the simplest case of a group made only of memberaddr (email
only). The group's email is part of the result which obviously becomes a
loop back. The configuration only works correctly if a memberdn is