Postfix delivery according to winbind groups

2009-07-30 Thread Veiko Kukk
Hi! How could I set up my postfix so that if it receives somegr...@domain.tld, then that mail is delivered to all members in that group, but only if user is not disabled in PDC? Basically it means that aliases are based on windows/samba groups. Winbind is configured and works, I only need to

Re: postfix under windows domain controller

2009-03-31 Thread Veiko Kukk
Meshbah Uddin Ahmed wrote: Hi, I want to add my postfix mail server under active directory (domain controller), so that i dont create any user in my linux box, i will create in my DC, but mailbox will create in linux postfix. please help, how i will do it. winbind -- Veiko

Winbind group based recipient access

2009-03-11 Thread Veiko Kukk
Hello, I need to receive mail to all winbind users except for those who are "disabled" on NT4 domain controller and/or are in certain windows group. How could this be accomplished? -- Veiko

Re: per-user relay destinations

2009-03-09 Thread Veiko Kukk
Aaron Zuercher wrote: Hello, I have setup a box running postfix+amavis+spamassasin to act as a mail gateway. I currently have an older postfix box doing mail gateway duties now. I'd like to run some live tests on the new spam box by forwarding some of the users mail from the current gateway