> No, that is a wrong interpretation: day-of-week, ",", date, time, CFWS
> are all syntatic tokens and [] means optional. The blanks between the
> tokens do not belong to the syntax. If you generate a date-time with all
> optional fields it would be
> day-of-week,datetimeCFWS
> without any b
> Indeed, RFC 5322 recommends (i.e. should) single space.
Is there a place where it explicitly mentions that for WSP? In section 3.3, it
says that "it is RECOMMENDED that a single space be used in each place that FWS
appears", but I did not find anything about WSP other than this:
Good evening,
I am using isync/mbsync to fetch my emails, and throws the following error with
Fastmail (that I don't see with others like GMail):
> IMAP error: unable to parse INTERNALDATE format
With the verbose output, I get:
> * 66 FETCH (UID 74 INTERNALDATE " 5-Dec-2023 08:02:58 -0500" BODY