Here are the commands in my notes.
The prompt on the far left is whether to run on the host or jail side.
The name I am giving to the poudriere jail is src.
host# poudriere bulk -j src -i x11/xauth
jail# make -C /usr/ports/x11/xterm/ pkg-depends install-package
jail# make -C /usr/ports/dev
I use AppJail with the x11 option to install the GUI port I am creating with
Xephyr but I normally do not use Xephyr.
El 28 de mayo de 2023 12:02:41 a. m. UTC, "Edward Sanford Sutton, III"
>Is there a preferred way to test GUI ports function correctly within
>poudriere? Wondering if
On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 2:03 AM Edward Sanford Sutton, III <
mirror...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a preferred way to test GUI ports function correctly within
> poudriere? Wondering if there is a workflow to do so instead of just
> creating an install on a second computer or in a virtual machin
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