Re: [PLUG] Video sites does not play video smoothly after some time.

2011-12-16 Thread Ninad Pundalik
Hi Harshdeep, There is one solution for YouTube. Have you tried watching the videos in the HTML5 version? Visit and join the trial for HTML5. If you still face problems, do tell us what is your OS, browser, browser version and Flash plugin version. We won't be able to give you a

[PLUG] [X-Post] [Barcamp] Barcamp Bangalore 12 PosterMash - 1 week left

2012-07-06 Thread Ninad Pundalik
Hi Barcampers, Poster design submissions are open for a week more for the Barcamp Bangalore 12 PosterMash. If you're working on an entry, hurry up! For those who haven't seen the details yet, check out :) Cheers, Ninad S. Pundalik (for the BCB12

Re: [PLUG] UNetBootIn Curieawcity

2013-06-07 Thread Ninad Pundalik
Hi Dhanurdhari, On 5 June 2013 00:30, wrote: > 1. create partitions on the pen/thumb drive. > 2. copy different installable iso's onto thus created different > partitions of thumb drive. > 3. load oses from those partitions of the thumb drive. > 4. partions of the thumb drive have non-similar fi