Re: [PLUG] Inserting module in 2.4.20-8

2007-12-07 Thread Shakthi Kannan
Hi, --- Jayesh Agrawal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: | [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# insmod ./hello-1.o | ./hello-1.o: kernel-module version mismatch | ./hello-1.o was compiled for kernel version | 2.4.20 | while this kernel is version 2.4.20-8smp. \-- This clearly tells you the error. Your kernel header

Re: [PLUG] [OT] : Google Calendar SMS setup for IDEA customers

2007-12-07 Thread Desi Penguin
Per Google website, neither Airtel, nor BSNL is expected to work. But I too got "verification code" from Google on my Airtel. So best thing to try is enter your mobile number, and click "Send verification Code", see if you g

Re: [PLUG] Cheat Sheet / Quick Start Guide

2007-12-07 Thread Devendra Laulkar
Hi, > One of the idea's that turned up at the PLUG meeting > was creation of a cheat sheet / quick start guide of > about one page in length(A4 size) which can be > included with CD's or distributed to public. (eg. at > the IT expo) As discussed, there was a need for a quick start guide. I have c

Re: [PLUG] Cheat Sheet / Quick Start Guide

2007-12-07 Thread ಓಂ
you could add InkScape for (somewhat) equivalent of CorelDraw.. Blender instead of 3D Max QCad instead of AutoCad.. I am sure all of those though lacking some high gloss are quite useful tools which will allow people to stay within reach of consumers without violating any licenses... Link below

[PLUG] [Commercial] Linux System and Device Driver Programming from Professionals

2007-12-07 Thread Concepts Systems
Hello All, Linux System and Device Driver Programming training is one of flagship training solutions offered by Concepts Systems. This training has become special one due to Concepts faculties having experience in File Systems, Storage and Embedded Space. Course Highlights: Linux System Programm

[PLUG] [Commercial] Training on Perl Automation by Industry Professionals.

2007-12-07 Thread Concepts Systems
Hello All, With a growing demand for Perl automation ,we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of "Perl Automation" for students & Professionals. Course Highlights: - Linux orientation - PERL introduction - PERL for Automation - Various operators - Data types - File handling - Pattern Matc

[PLUG] [Commercial] Advance C Training from Professionals.

2007-12-07 Thread Concepts Systems
Hello All, With a growing demand for System Professionals, we are pleased to announce a new weekend batch of Advance C for working professionals, Engineers & students. Course Highlights: - Struct ,enums,typedefs, #define - Arrays & Pointer Arithmetic - Function Pointers etc - Dynamic linking - S