On Dec 3, 2007 5:50 PM, Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope you have gone through following link before posting.
> http://plug.org.in/mailinglist.php
> Can you please help me in understanding how this e-mail is valid w.r.t.
> 'Mailing List Etiquette' mentioned on the above link?
> Please no
technically he did not reply to spam...
he created a new thread by modifying the subject, and identifying it
as [Spam] so it could get trapped in appropriate filters wherever they
patience is a virtue best practiced by silence...
now is the time for me to go and seek silence :-)
(without claiming any moral high ground)
I would like to point you to
Verse 2.63 of श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता
Next time around I will be able to give link to what I mean
(hopefully) by that...
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
Not sure why I find myself replying to this post, but I am going
to do it anyways.
On Dec 4, 2007 3:33 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> technically he did not reply to spam...
Technically he did reply to the spam. Check the Message-ID's,
References bit...
> he created a new thread by modifying t
Now making this relevant to Linux and GNU/Linux...
isn't that same thing (somewhat similar) what Richard M. stalman did?
Think of it... little deeply..
He also prepended [Linux] with [GNU/] just like thread hijacker (so
you called him) did...
All flames welcome on this topic...
On 04-Dec-07, at 3:16 PM, bt44 wrote:
On Dec 3, 2007 5:50 PM, Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:
I hope you have gone through following link before posting.
Can you please help me in understanding how this e-mail is valid
'Mailing List Etiquette' mention
Hi all,
One of the idea's that turned up at the PLUG meeting
was creation of a cheat sheet / quick start guide of
about one page in length(A4 size) which can be
included with CD's or distributed to public. (eg. at
the IT expo)
It can contain things like
1. Link to help sites (eg. tldp, some for
As people who attended this month's meeting would
already know, PLUG is participating in IT Expo 2007.
The expo will be held between 20th-23rd of December @
Sakhar Sankul, behind Agricultural College
(Shivajinagar area)
You can find more details at