> > From: chitra alavani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [PLUG] php on tomcat
> Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 22:13:29 -0700 (PDT)
> To: plug-mail@plug.org.in
> hello
> my wesite is running on tomcat. now i want to add some
> php pages to that site. i would like to know how to
> configure php-4.3.3 with
Hi Pluggies,
i have installed Slackware 10.1, with windows XP as the other OS.
However, everytime i tried to install LILO, when prompted the
following options:-
1. to the first sector of the linux partion
2. i forget what was this option...
3. to the master boot record.
it returns a error. I
(No kernel expert here too)
Sorry for a delayed reply.
I think, instead of moving the time_t directly to 64 bits we
should do what intel did when they introduced 32 bit processors.
Keep AX,BX,CX etc but have them extended as EAX,EBX,ECX etc.
In the same way,if another 64 bit storage li
hello All
i am reading information about VoIP technology
For that i am concentrating on SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and
RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol).
I am interested in implementing RTP over TCP
I found that there are some disadvantages of TCP, some are
1) TCP doesn't support multi
On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 23:47 +0530, Mandar Harshe wrote:
> hi...
> i got a copy of FC3 made from the dvd available with digit. however
> the the comp does boot from the cd ..i directly boots from the hdd. i
> have fc1 and its cd boots up normally... any suggestions on what to
> do...
> in fact..
and Slashdotted:
So on one hand the so called cheap versions won't run
on most newer desktops, Longhorn(still Vapor
On Wednesday 11 May 2005 12:08 am, Shantanoo wrote:
> have a look at linneighbourhood.
smb4k (http://smb4k.berlios.de/)
gnomba (http://gnomba.sourceforge.net/)
komba (http://komba.sourceforge.net/)
You can also use konqueror as a samba client with the s
+++ Aditya Godbole [PLUG] [11-05-05 13:31 +0530]:
| A nice read. In fact, a must read.
| http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html
| -aditya
and if possible have a look at