No, it's NOT Apr 1.
Mandrake has changed its name to Mandriva. (???)
This is after they acquired Conectiva.
I wonder who came up with a name like this. I suppose it must have been some
Emacs junkie trying out an M-x dissociated-press on the merger legalese.
The press release is here:
On Apr 7, 2005 1:07 PM, sanshiv shivasharan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to konw if anyone has any idea on
> installation n configuration of BSNL Dataone Broadband
> connection on Redhat Linux 9.
> also can I share the connection with IPTABLES ?
> Thanks n Regards,
> San
At 12:00 PM 4/7/05 +0530, you wrote:
From: Yogesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Precedence: list
Subject: [PLUG] Linux LPI certification
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 15:02:59 +0530
Reply-To: Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
Content-Type: text/plain;
> I have got a new compaq Laptop and have installed Mandrake 9.2, but when i
> shoot startx it gives me a number of errors. When i do xf86cfg, i get the
> window to configure(which i think is X), but even that fails to get me to
> the GUI when i shoot startx agter configuration.
Now that we know yo
Hi all,
I wanted to konw if anyone has any idea on
installation n configuration of BSNL Dataone Broadband
connection on Redhat Linux 9.
also can I share the connection with IPTABLES ?
Thanks n Regards,
Yahoo! Messenger
Show us wh
There was a thread a while ago suggesting Skype for plug usage.
I have been using skype for past months or so and its been a greate
experience so i thought i would inform you guies about it. (Although
mailing list is quite more suitable for plug activity IMHO. )
One reason for sending the review h