Heh, yeah.
I started out with one of the first actual distributions from Red Hat the first
year they introduced it in 1996. Red hat has been in the Linux arena for at
least 25 years at this point. I am also one of the few founding members of PLUG
still active on the list (we got our start with t
correctionI now have windows on my laptop but my main computer is
linuxand all of my computers between 199? and now have been Linux.
Hm, I can't remember if the other laptop I had was a windows box
or linux so there's that.
On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 12:20 PM Michael wrote:
> That sounds li
That sounds like about the same time I came around. If I remember
right it was the installfest at glendale community college. Redddhat
didn't work for me so the next month I took ithe computer to the
monthly meeting and had Hans put windows back on. I don't know why but
I went to the next ins
Eric Oyen via PLUG-discuss said on Sat, 3 Jul 2021 15:00:25 -0700
>Some of us even have experiences going back to kernel .099. :) wow,
>it’s been almost 30 years.
I don't know which kernel, but my first Linux was Redhat 5.1 in October
Steve Litt
Spring 2021 featured
On 2021-07-03 19:18, Michael Butash via PLUG-discuss wrote:
I like the plug group, why try to chime in when I can. Some
environments are almost toxic trying to ask question or get support
(ahem, arch linux chats), but try to not be those folks.
My first exposure to unix was in 99, my first t
On 2021-07-03 11:16, Michael via PLUG-discuss wrote:
Today I ran the update manager to get the new version of darktable
and it failed w/o telling me why.Because of the knowledge I attained
from you over the years I was able to open a terminal and to run apt
and find out what w
moin moin,
LibreOffice has a conference coming up in September. They have a logo
design contest going on for the conference.
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