For the record, I just tested the stable version of Debian (stretch, all
updates applied) : unfortunately Multiseat does not work...
Am I doomed to stay in jessie if I want to use multiseat?... Has anyone
successfuly tried it with stretch?
I tried with a more recent version of the kernel (4.11.
My curiosity led me to disable wayland in GDM.
# cat /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
Strangely enough, nothing appears on seat0, and a GDM session opens on seat1!
(the reverse situation from previously).
# loginctl list-sessions
Package: udev
Version: 234-1
Severity: normal
I was running an uncommon configuration of 64-bit systemd and 32-bit
udev (strange omission I'm going to fix right now). It was running fine
until udev-234, when udev started being killed with SIGSYS. Setting
SystemCallArchitectures= (instead o