As this is about the default nameservers to be used when there is
nothing else configured, how would I disable DNS resolution then?
Because I see that this is a technical issue for which there is no
solution mentioned in this bugreport yet.
At least for settling this part of the issue can you plea
Am 14.06.2017 um 19:49 schrieb benaryorg:
> As this is about the default nameservers to be used when there is
> nothing else configured, how would I disable DNS resolution then?
First of all, systemd-resolved is not used and enabled by default.
If you actually do use systemd-resolved, disablin
Processing commands for
> severity 761658 wishlist
Bug #761658 {Done: (Marco d'Itri)} [systemd] Please do not
default to using Google nameservers
Severity set to 'wishlist' from 'serious'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assi