Processed: forcibly merging 806812 844181

2016-11-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > forcemerge 806812 844181 Bug #806812 [systemd] Double messages upon disable Bug #844181 [systemd] remove the first systemctl SysV service script synchronizing warning, only leave the second Bug #844181 [systemd] remove the first systemctl SysV se

Processed: forcibly merging 806812 844181

2016-11-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > forcemerge 806812 844181 Bug #806812 [systemd] Double messages upon disable Bug #806812 [systemd] Double messages upon disable Marked as found in versions systemd/232-3. Bug #844181 [systemd] remove the first systemctl SysV service script synchro