Processing control commands:
> reassign -1 release-notes
Bug #760947 [systemd] systemd: Does not start consoles configured in
Bug reassigned from package 'systemd' to 'release-notes'.
No longer marked as found in versions systemd/208-8.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug
Control: reassign -1 release-notes
Am 07.06.2015 um 08:32 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
> Michael Biebl, le Sun 07 Jun 2015 01:41:59 +0200, a écrit :
>> /etc/inittab is a sysvinit specific config file, which systemd won't
>> read. This is not going to change.
>> If you have custom changes to /etc/in
Michael Biebl, le Sun 07 Jun 2015 01:41:59 +0200, a écrit :
> /etc/inittab is a sysvinit specific config file, which systemd won't
> read. This is not going to change.
> If you have custom changes to /etc/inittab, those need to be converted
> into systemd equivalents manually, if necessary.
Am 09.09.2014 um 13:37 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 208-8
> Severity: normal
> Hello,
> On a wheezy system, I had a serial console configured in /etc/inittab,
> used as a secondary work terminal (i.e. no console=ttyS0 on the kernel
> command line). After an upgrade t
On Sep 09, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> On a wheezy system, I had a serial console configured in /etc/inittab,
> used as a secondary work terminal (i.e. no console=ttyS0 on the kernel
> command line). After an upgrade to Jessie, logind doesn't start a getty
> on ttyS0.
No wonder, since systemd does n
Brian Potkin, le Tue 09 Sep 2014 15:26:16 +0100, a écrit :
> On Tue 09 Sep 2014 at 13:37:50 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > On a wheezy system, I had a serial console configured in /etc/inittab,
> > used as a secondary work terminal (i.e. no console=ttyS0 on the kernel
> > command line). After an
On Tue 09 Sep 2014 at 13:37:50 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> On a wheezy system, I had a serial console configured in /etc/inittab,
> used as a secondary work terminal (i.e. no console=ttyS0 on the kernel
> command line). After an upgrade to Jessie, logind doesn't start a getty
> on ttyS0.
More generally, all configuration in /etc/inittab gets inactive: the
CTRL-ALT-DEL and ALT-UpArrow shortcut commands, notably.
Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list
Package: systemd
Version: 208-8
Severity: normal
On a wheezy system, I had a serial console configured in /etc/inittab,
used as a secondary work terminal (i.e. no console=ttyS0 on the kernel
command line). After an upgrade to Jessie, logind doesn't start a getty
on ttyS0.
Steps to reprodu