Bug#624274: produces invalid streams

2011-08-10 Thread Alessio Treglia
tags 624274 moreinfo thanks Hi Romain, is this still reproducible with the 0.1.1 release available in Wheezy? Thanks in advance for any reply! -- Alessio Treglia          | www.alessiotreglia.com Debian Developer         | ales...@debian.org Ubuntu Core Developer    | quadris...@ubuntu.com 0FE

Bug#624274: produces invalid streams

2011-04-26 Thread Romain Beauxis
Package: libvo-aacenc0 Version: 0.1.0~rc1-1 Severity: normal Streams produced by libvo-aacenc0 as present in package 0.1.0~rc1-1 produces invalid streams, including with the example provided upstream. This can be noticed with mplayer for instance, which logs the following errors: A: 36.5 (36.5)