Processing commands for
> retitle 608391 "VAAPI driver installed in wrong directory"
Bug #608391 [vlc] vlc looks for VAAPI libraries in wrong directory
Changed Bug title to '"VAAPI driver installed in wrong directory"' from 'vlc
looks for VAAPI libraries in wrong director
retitle 608391 "VAAPI driver installed in wrong directory"
reassign 608391 xvba-va-driver
Le Thu 30 Dec 10 à 17:16 +0300, Anton Martchukov a écrit :
> I use ATI fglrx and it provides library as part of
> Debian package xvba-va-driver package.
> It is unpacked to
Package: vlc
Version: 1.1.5-3
Severity: normal
Thanks for enabling VAAPI support in VLC debian package. It works, but
not out of the box for me. Not sure if it is VLC or xvba-va-driver
package error though.
I use ATI fglrx and it provides library as part of
Debian package xvba