Otkriće najveće kamene kugle u Europi

2016-03-29 Thread Piramida Sunca
Bosanske piramide NEWSLETTER     OTKRIĆE NAJVEĆE KAMENE KUGLE U EUROPI … Početkom marta 2016. započelo je iskopavanje kamene kugle u selu Podubravlje, na periferiji zavidovićke općine. Nakon desetak dana kopanja, postalo je jasno da je riječ o megalitnim dimenz

Processing of kodi_16.1~rc2+dfsg1-1_source.changes

2016-03-29 Thread Debian FTP Masters
kodi_16.1~rc2+dfsg1-1_source.changes uploaded successfully to localhost along with the files: kodi_16.1~rc2+dfsg1-1.dsc kodi_16.1~rc2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz kodi_16.1~rc2+dfsg1-1.debian.tar.xz Greetings, Your Debian queue daemon (running on host franck.debian.org) __

Bug#818083: Makes noise instead of playing music

2016-03-29 Thread Shérab
Hi, Sorry for the delayed response. I could actually solve the problem by uninstaling pulseaudio. It was installed on my system because I thought my speech synthesis does require it but I discovered yesteday that it is not the case. So I uninstalled it and now mpg123 works again. Many thanks for