Hi !
Thanks for all the details.
Le 28 février 2023 21:53:45 GMT+01:00, Pino Toscano a écrit :
>In data sabato 25 febbraio 2023 23:18:11 CET, Aurélien COUDERC ha scritto:
>The idea is that kde-plasma-desktop is the package for the users
>representing "a working Plasma desktop".
OK this makes
In data sabato 25 febbraio 2023 23:18:11 CET, Aurélien COUDERC ha scritto:
> - plasma-workspace-wayland installed by default so the wayland session is
> available (the default session stays X11)
That I don't agree how it was done (more on that later, after some
The idea is that kd