This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
from 3dda03a Set distribution to experimental.
new ffd12de debian/pgversions: Bump to 9.3+, 9.2 is no longer
The 1 revisions listed
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit ffd12de065d5dc740cfec10878bd033b9c07c8cc
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Mon Sep 11 20:55:39 2017 +0200
debian/pgversions: Bump to 9.3+, 9.2 is no
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
from ffd12de debian/pgversions: Bump to 9.3+, 9.2 is no longer
new 1c4dc65 debian/control(.in): Bump GEOS build-dependency to 3.4.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit 1c4dc6543cb31fcd69358cc0f5a7cbf67bd5405b
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Sep 12 08:58:17 2017 +0200
debian/control(.in): Bump GEOS build
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit 61c1d25ac4fdb8af84d9f6f2d5657ff1921c6304
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 20:30:55 2017 +0200
Clarify -scripts package description; the SQL
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit a5a44a1db1f94dbac86a93ad1a55ace73ca670c0
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 22:07:46 2017 +0200
debian/rules: Fix rdfind invocation to find
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
from 1c4dc65 debian/control(.in): Bump GEOS build-dependency to 3.4.
new 61c1d25 Clarify -scripts package description; the SQL files are
also n
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
commit 2a454de0a569b9d24e88e326025da2cee6ce1267
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 21:10:56 2017 +0200
Hardlink identical extension upgrade scripts to
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
from 416ece3 Set distribution to unstable.
new 46fae8e Clarify -scripts package description; the SQL files are
also necessary for the initial insta
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
commit 46fae8ee345dacab90eea3e563ad74404d8f49b6
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 20:19:40 2017 +0200
Clarify -scripts package description; the SQL
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
from a5a44a1 debian/rules: Fix rdfind invocation to find SQL file
duplicates properly.
new 700b6bd Include program names in postgis and postgis
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit 700b6bda2c77314702206d5708be099dda55d84b
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 22:26:35 2017 +0200
Include program names in postgis and postgis
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit 78535b29b2624b03505371adecb2dddc72410538
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 22:39:48 2017 +0200
Declare Conflicts: -2.3-scripts in -2.4
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository postgis.
commit 9c1f487e4f0c7beac89d8ac59cdb6db0a45adc57
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 22:49:15 2017 +0200
Further clarify the relation between the
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
from 2a454de Hardlink identical extension upgrade scripts to cut down
installation size.
new bb27058 Add dependency alternative on
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
commit bb27058929f68c5dd18fc1dbf101d1a4e7e01d13
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Wed Sep 13 22:54:03 2017 +0200
Add dependency alternative on postgresql-PGVERSION
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
from 65aedba Set distribution to unstable.
new c4ff9dc Bump cmake build-dependency to 3.2, needed to support
The 1 revisions listed abo
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgrouting.
commit c4ff9dcf1a640219c14113de9d98f6fa769a9525
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Thu Sep 21 10:24:19 2017 +0200
Bump cmake build-dependency to 3.2, needed to
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from e7aab5f Upload to unstable.
new ed46e2b New upstream version 1.0.3
new 5dbeb6b Updated version 1.0.3 from 'upstream/1.0.3'
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.0.3
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
at c0e4b56 (tag)
tagging ed46e2b1cb33db9d0c3fa68d83809d03b769f804 (commit)
replaces upstream/1.0.2
tagged by Christoph Berg
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 82b2008 New upstream version 1.0.2
new ed46e2b New upstream version 1.0.3
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch pristine-tar
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 65caeb6d015bd7c8cc24784a7155bae4dbb4d1a1
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:37:50 2017 +0200
pristine-tar data for pgsql-ogr-fdw_1.0.3
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit ed46e2b1cb33db9d0c3fa68d83809d03b769f804
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:37:49 2017 +0200
New upstream version 1.0.3
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit a7dcf917ef2137b7b7153dbad98e6ee390fdb092
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:46:20 2017 +0200
New version has PostgreSQL 10 support
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 30d3b8a8faab9f5f247bdd71786fb16c7ffa4a25
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:47:25 2017 +0200
Remove typos.patch.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 16300b70b3f094a3a8363373d200dd327384222b
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:44:31 2017 +0200
Bump S-V; no changes.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit bdb9b9390e4edf98aa382e3e48c0181c0f995f7e
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:43:58 2017 +0200
Add myself to Uploaders.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit d0a64cf006f8b07f0f20f11cae596f5ee64f127a
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 12:01:50 2017 +0200
debian/tests: Run testsuite.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 8a77bf601139f36a0865aca35a3bc7efeecd710b
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:43:50 2017 +0200
New upstream version.
debian/changelog | 6
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch pristine-tar
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 9d0a61f pristine-tar data for pgsql-ogr-fdw_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz
new 65caeb6 pristine-tar data for pgsql-ogr-fdw_1.0.3.orig.tar.gz
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 5dbeb6b661fee5e668b3bdcb680373594e9e6317
Merge: e7aab5f ed46e2b
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 11:37:50 2017 +0200
Updated version 1.0.3
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 7058c5ee4a0d9d58db33e81a38107648b341fd26
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 20:29:40 2017 +0200
Pull patch from upstream to fix building with
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 2759d63b43e84a78dd6235a33c9cc6b1fa19fc76
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 21:37:25 2017 +0200
Patch Makefile to skip the "import fo
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from d0a64cf debian/tests: Run testsuite.
new 7058c5e Pull patch from upstream to fix building with gdal-2.2.
new 2759d63 Patch Makefi
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 5d2da3691bea6d81f8042ec30dabb29c4c0352e1
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Oct 3 21:42:16 2017 +0200
pg_regress prints some things to stderr, ignore
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 2759d63 Patch Makefile to skip the "import foreign schema" tests
on 9.3 and 9.4.
new 5d2da36 pg_regress prints some things to stderr, igno
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.0.3-1
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
at 7b993cd (tag)
tagging e790c4b99e9e786d44331c0058932452e2800f39 (commit)
replaces debian/1.0.2-2
tagged by Christoph Berg
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 5d2da36 pg_regress prints some things to stderr, ignore
new e790c4b releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.3-1
The 1 revisions listed
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit e790c4b99e9e786d44331c0058932452e2800f39
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sun Oct 8 15:20:22 2017 +0200
releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.3-1
Re: Sebastiaan Couwenberg 2017-10-08
> On 10/08/2017 03:20 PM, Christoph Berg wrote:
> > releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.3-1
> Why not update to 1.0.4?
> The GDAL 2.2 changes are quite relevant si
Christoph Berg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / postgis
58d6d514 by Christoph Berg at 2018-03-17T15:43:15+01:00
Add sfcgal symbols removed in eca91364b04 as comments
This eases building packages on distributions with a working sfcgal
package (just remove the comments in
Re: Gianfranco Costamagna 2017-12-05
> --- 2.4.2+dfsg-2/debian/tests/control 2017-09-02 17:44:18.0 +
> +++ 2.4.2+dfsg-2ubuntu2/debian/tests/control 2017-12-04 19:38:27.0
> +
> @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
> -Depends: @, postgresql-server-dev-all, postgresql-contrib-9.6
> +Depends: @,
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository postgis.
commit 0ffd02f8918a4bf6da6befa335c3eb37e4c40d0f
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Tue Dec 5 18:29:26 2017 +0100
Test all extensions, not just postgis.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository postgis.
from 7312878 Use postgresql-all instead of postgresql-contrib-9.6 in
tests/control. (closes: #883608)
new 0ffd02f Test all extensions, not just postg
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 5e26723c5cfaf9b564cb6f74f4e732f264572996
Merge: 6091e1c faa6013
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sat Dec 9 20:14:09 2017 +0100
Update upstream source
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 4628b0471542d289b3075c05ac18a800cadba12a
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sat Dec 9 20:19:21 2017 +0100
New upstream release.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from dd54788 New upstream version 1.0.4
adds faa6013 New upstream version 1.0.5
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of change
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit faa601340d9f65260beece2336d9d3850dd9e5ef
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sat Dec 9 20:14:08 2017 +0100
New upstream version 1.0.5
Makefile | 11
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch pristine-tar
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 0f37a54 pristine-tar data for pgsql-ogr-fdw_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz
new 4d4aa38 pristine-tar data for pgsql-ogr-fdw_1.0.5.orig.tar.gz
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 6091e1c Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
new faa6013 New upstream version 1.0.5
new 5e26723 Update upstream source fr
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 0db6443766fe88c652d640017ca08ddb8eb66cb8
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sat Dec 9 20:19:34 2017 +0100
releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.5-1
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch pristine-tar
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 4d4aa38eb58112f732710703853d12485476b372
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sat Dec 9 20:14:09 2017 +0100
pristine-tar data for pgsql-ogr-fdw_1.0.5
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.0.5
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
at 2c6cbc5 (tag)
tagging faa601340d9f65260beece2336d9d3850dd9e5ef (commit)
replaces upstream/1.0.4
tagged by Christoph Berg
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.0.5-1
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
at 205e61d (tag)
tagging 0db6443766fe88c652d640017ca08ddb8eb66cb8 (commit)
replaces debian/1.0.4-1
tagged by Christoph Berg
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from 0db6443 releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.5-1
new ec38a03 Add missing postgresql-server-dev-all test dependency.
The 1 revisions
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit ec38a031cf4a39247ef583730fa3bcdab24b1ca0
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sun Dec 10 08:35:23 2017 +0100
Add missing postgresql-server-dev-all test
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from ec38a03 Add missing postgresql-server-dev-all test dependency.
new f45a09f Clean up better after testsuite.
The 1 revisions listed above a
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit f45a09ffec79bab33249d13ea1629f59f3db66a1
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sun Dec 10 08:42:32 2017 +0100
Clean up better after testsuite.
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.0.5-2
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
at f8bdd7d (tag)
tagging 17f15bc9a147715891af8b820ac6a52e132c019b (commit)
replaces debian/1.0.5-1
tagged by Christoph Berg
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
from f45a09f Clean up better after testsuite.
new 17f15bc releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.5-2
The 1 revisions listed above as "new"
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pgsql-ogr-fdw.
commit 17f15bc9a147715891af8b820ac6a52e132c019b
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Sun Dec 10 08:44:09 2017 +0100
releasing package pgsql-ogr-fdw version 1.0.5
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository postgis.
commit 1eaf5536254f2464852c33949e0155c4461a96ec
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Fri Dec 22 10:28:21 2017 +0100
Tests: Install fuzzystrmatch dependency explicitly
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository postgis.
from ddea404 Set distribution to unstable.
new 1eaf553 Tests: Install fuzzystrmatch dependency explicitly, not
all PostgreSQL versions feature CREATE
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to branch master
in repository postgis.
from 1eaf553 Tests: Install fuzzystrmatch dependency explicitly, not
all PostgreSQL versions feature CREATE EXTENSION CASCADE yet.
new 70720eb Build-
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository postgis.
commit 70720ebeb3a599705980dcc6fd25c3a3d521546a
Author: Christoph Berg
Date: Fri Dec 22 12:00:26 2017 +0100
Build-Depend on postgresql-all, we need server
Control: tags -1 moreinfo
Re: Juergen Fuchsberger 2018-01-09
> Due to missing postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 in stretch, a postgis enabled
> database becomes corrupt when upgrading from jessie to stretch since
> the required postgis librar
Re: Bas Couwenberg 2018-01-10 <>
> > OK, this is all clear - *but*: is this behavior really ok? Isn't it
> > affecting every single Debian user when upgrading from Jessie to Stretch
> > if he is running postgresql + postgis?
> Upgrades of postgis databas
Sorry for the noise, please kill this upload. The cowbuilder chroot
here wasn't as clean as it should have been.
Re: Debian FTP Masters 2014-03-31
> binary:postgresql-9.2-postgis-2.0-scripts is NEW.
> binary:postgresql-9.2-postgis-scripts is NEW.
> binary:postgresql-9.1-postgis-2.1-scripts is NEW
Subject: Re: [pgsql-pkg-debian] pgrouting updated to version 2.2.0-1.pgdg+1
Re: Vicky Vergara 2016-04-19
> Hello packagers:
> Thanks very much.
> There are 2 questions:
> First one, and most urgent would be, someone got a server crash, so I had
> to make a v
Re: Sebastiaan Couwenberg 2016-04-19 <>
> > So I need to name the tag 2.2.1 to be 2.2.2
> > and recover the hash from 2.2.1 and tag it again, is that correct?
> Yes, ideally the old 2.2.1 tag is restored to reference the old commit,
> and the new 2.2.1 tag needs to be r
Control: retitle -1 Please update Recommends: for postgresql-9.4-postgis
Re: Sebastiaan Couwenberg 2013-12-17 <>
> > Can you please update the Recommends: from postgresql-9.1-postgis
> > to postgresql-9.3-postgis?
> I've updated dependency in the tasks file in git, it
Re: Sebastiaan Couwenberg 2014-08-08 <>
> On 08/08/2014 05:19 PM, Christoph Berg wrote:
> > in the meantime, the PostgreSQL version in jessie has been upgraded to
> > 9.4, so please switch to postgresql-9.4-postgis. (Which isn't there
Re: Markus Wanner 2014-08-10
> I'm on vacation and AFK until next Wednesday. IIRC postgis worked just fine
> after minor mods (which I'm not sure I committed or not). Please feel free to
> do whatever is beneficial for Debian. Alternativ
Source: pgrouting
Version: 2.0.0-2
Severity: serious
Usertag: migration-94
the default PostgreSQL version in Jessie will be 9.4. Please update
pgrouting to support it. Postgis will likely be updated later this
I tried a simple recompi
Source: pg-comparator
Version: 2.2.5-1
Severity: serious
Usertags: migration-94
Jessie will be shipping with postgresql-9.4; postgresql-9.3 will
eventually be removed.
pg-comparator build-depends on postgresql-server-dev-9.3,
please upgrade this
Package: osm2pgsql
Version: 0.84.0-2
Severity: important
Usertags: migration-94
(This bug is #732415 reloaded.)
Jessie will be shipping with postgresql-9.4; postgresql-9.3 will
eventually be removed.
osm2pgsql recommends postgresql-9.3-postgis-
Package: gpsdrive
Version: 2.10~pre4-6.dfsg-5.2
Severity: normal
Usertags: migration-94
Jessie will be shipping with postgresql-9.4; postgresql-9.3 will
eventually be removed.
gpsdrive suggests postgresql-8.4-postgis, please upgrade this
Re: Michael Fladischer 2014-08-14 <>
> Does pg_buildext already support cmake?
> Following the example in pg_buildext(1) it breaks at `pg_buildext build
> build-%v` because there is no Makefile.
No, it is only meant to be used with PGXS-style PostgreSQL extension
Package: tinyows
Version: 1.1.0-4
Severity: important
Usertags: migration-94
Jessie will be shipping with postgresql-9.4; postgresql-9.3 will
eventually be removed.
tinyows recommends postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1,
please upgrade this dependency.
just uploaded a package to mentors.d.n:
> Anyone willing to upload it for me is welcome.
I'll have a look.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Christoph Berg
Senior Berater, Tel.: +49 (0)21 61 / 46 43-187
credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach
Source: pgrouting
Version: 2.3.0-1
Severity: wishlist
two pgrouting wishlist items from the department:
1) Could you bump debian/pgversions to "9.2+" to match the supported
versions in postgis?
2) Would you consider adding some debian/tests/ autopkgtest testsuite?
Even a
Re: To Debian Bug Tracking System 2016-09-29
> two pgrouting wishlist items from the department:
Btw, we don't need a new upload just for this, it would just be nice
to have in the next release.
82 matches
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