[qgis] branch ubuntu/xenial updated (b330715 -> ba94cd0)

2017-09-28 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch ubuntu/xenial in repository qgis. from b330715 Drop Breaks/Replaces python-qt4 from python-qgis. new ba94cd0 Rebuild 2.14.17+dfsg for xenial The 1 revisions listed above a

[qgis] 01/01: Rebuild 2.14.17+dfsg for xenial

2017-09-28 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch ubuntu/xenial in repository qgis. commit ba94cd0eab2c92bfb4872b919f41720cb1946e0b Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Thu Sep 28 20:53:45 2017 +0300 Rebuild 2.14.17+dfsg for xenial

[pycsw] annotated tag upstream/2.0.3+dfsg created (now a077b79)

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
Tzotsos on Mon Jun 5 22:23:23 2017 +0300 - Log - Upstream version 2.0.3+dfsg Angelos Tzotsos (1): Imported Upstream version 2.0.3+dfsg --- No new

[pycsw] branch upstream updated (a618b56 -> 153432f)

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch upstream in repository pycsw. from a618b56 Imported Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg adds 153432f Imported Upstream version 2.0.3+dfsg No new revisions were added by this update

[pycsw] branch pristine-tar updated (64f17c3 -> dc1f63f)

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch pristine-tar in repository pycsw. from 64f17c3 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz new dc1f63f pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.3+dfsg.orig.tar.gz The 1 revi

[pycsw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.3+dfsg.orig.tar.gz

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch pristine-tar in repository pycsw. commit dc1f63f30efde2eccc40bcd9b7d7ed87fb49af91 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Jun 5 22:23:23 2017 +0300 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.3

[pycsw] branch master updated (da19d1a -> b3c3fcf)

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository pycsw. from da19d1a Set distribution to unstable. new 153432f Imported Upstream version 2.0.3+dfsg new 6ddcbe3 Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.3+dfsg

[pycsw] 03/03: New upstream release.

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit b3c3fcf762a1e7f46ab24c14e68a9a7c4af1d7ed Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Jun 5 22:25:31 2017 +0300 New upstream release. --- debian/changelog

[pycsw] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.3+dfsg'

2017-06-05 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit 6ddcbe3be230a74ada4d6feca58c6d7fa0adf10b Merge: da19d1a 153432f Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Jun 5 22:23:23 2017 +0300 Merge tag 'ups

[pycsw] annotated tag upstream/2.0.2+dfsg created (now 18a37c5)

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
Tzotsos on Tue Oct 18 21:48:51 2016 +0300 - Log - Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg Angelos Tzotsos (1): Imported Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg --- No new

[pycsw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch pristine-tar in repository pycsw. commit 64f17c30eee215f8ade34d7fdd840b59da47cbc3 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Tue Oct 18 21:48:51 2016 +0300 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.2

[pycsw] branch pristine-tar updated (69e7125 -> 64f17c3)

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch pristine-tar in repository pycsw. from 69e7125 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.1+dfsg.orig.tar.gz new 64f17c3 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz The 1 revi

[pycsw] branch master updated (97eb134 -> 7a14bd3)

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository pycsw. from 97eb134 Mark desktop-file.patch as Applied-Upstream. new a618b56 Imported Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg new c926c1f Merge tag 'upst

[pycsw] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit a618b56bbfaadaf319d4beca520cb5a5d75e1361 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Tue Oct 18 21:48:47 2016 +0300 Imported Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg

[pycsw] 04/04: Fixed changelog entry

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit 7a14bd3e9703393680fa276adb7e4cb04cb3c732 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Tue Oct 18 21:57:40 2016 +0300 Fixed changelog entry --- debian/changelog

[pycsw] branch upstream updated (68bda58 -> a618b56)

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch upstream in repository pycsw. from 68bda58 Imported Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg adds a618b56 Imported Upstream version 2.0.2+dfsg No new revisions were added by this update

[pycsw] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.2+dfsg'

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit c926c1f799b32fd624708b3b4fdecf2f7b1c149d Merge: 97eb134 a618b56 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Tue Oct 18 21:48:53 2016 +0300 Merge tag 'ups

[pycsw] 03/04: New upstream release.

2016-10-18 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit f575d0e5d92d3453a0d3ddf31dff1fe29bf641b3 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Tue Oct 18 21:51:30 2016 +0300 New upstream release. --- debian/changelog

[pycsw] annotated tag upstream/2.0.1+dfsg created (now 931fdc4)

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
Tzotsos on Mon Sep 12 11:52:03 2016 +0300 - Log - Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg Angelos Tzotsos (1): Imported Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg --- No new

[pycsw] branch master updated (d894d95 -> 4123fe7)

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository pycsw. from d894d95 Removed pycsw-root patch after being included in 2.0.1 new 4123fe7 Fixed changelog The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entir

[pycsw] 01/01: Fixed changelog

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit 4123fe7769bd99c49c7836a5d48b4cd2bc2570dc Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Sep 12 12:53:54 2016 +0300 Fixed changelog --- debian/changelog | 7

Re: [pycsw] 03/04: New upstream release.

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
On 09/12/2016 12:09 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote: Hi Angelos, Thanks for updating pycsw. On 09/12/2016 11:00 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote: --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ +pycsw (2.0.1+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium + + * New upstream release. + + -- user

[pycsw] branch upstream updated (29f48d9 -> 68bda58)

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch upstream in repository pycsw. from 29f48d9 Imported Upstream version 2.0.0+dfsg adds 68bda58 Imported Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg No new revisions were added by this update

[pycsw] branch pristine-tar updated (7e4fbde -> 69e7125)

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch pristine-tar in repository pycsw. from 7e4fbde pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.0+dfsg.orig.tar.gz new 69e7125 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.1+dfsg.orig.tar.gz The 1 revi

[pycsw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.1+dfsg.orig.tar.gz

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch pristine-tar in repository pycsw. commit 69e7125d1ecebb1eec664b0f6f01984302303476 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Sep 12 11:52:03 2016 +0300 pristine-tar data for pycsw_2.0.1

[pycsw] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit 68bda58bba5d016e3e0aed6383bb681d742ee9a5 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Sep 12 11:51:59 2016 +0300 Imported Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg

[pycsw] 03/04: New upstream release.

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit 4fab8b1bd34bb6d559b565196765774a51ec2584 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Sep 12 11:57:13 2016 +0300 New upstream release. * New upstream

[pycsw] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.1+dfsg'

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit db25084136972ab359171ccf2c16c4ed24255ac2 Merge: 3bdc07b 68bda58 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Sep 12 11:52:04 2016 +0300 Merge tag 'ups

[pycsw] branch master updated (3bdc07b -> d894d95)

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository pycsw. from 3bdc07b Mark pycsw-root.patch as Applied-Upstream. new 68bda58 Imported Upstream version 2.0.1+dfsg new db25084 Merge tag 'upstre

[pycsw] 04/04: Removed pycsw-root patch after being included in 2.0.1

2016-09-12 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit d894d95ffeaed20fb1d56d3b95e42f45e6c20819 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Mon Sep 12 11:59:58 2016 +0300 Removed pycsw-root patch after being included

[pycsw] 01/01: Updated project description from upstream

2016-06-26 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit c059555b40af84ed8ca786aa8332385bfaa9ce37 Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Sun Jun 26 15:58:17 2016 +0300 Updated project description from upstream

[pycsw] branch master updated (8fe3fe4 -> c059555)

2016-06-26 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository pycsw. from 8fe3fe4 Set distribution to unstable. new c059555 Updated project description from upstream The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are enti

[zoo-project] 01/01: pristine-tar data for zoo-project_1.5.0.orig.tar.xz

2016-06-11 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch pristine-tar in repository zoo-project. commit 4734dd8f3657f077372374a48079f2d640a4b65f Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Sun Jun 12 00:12:06 2016 +0300 pristine-tar data for zoo

[zoo-project] branch upstream created (now 4e49691)

2016-06-11 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch upstream in repository zoo-project. at 4e49691 Imported Upstream version 1.5.0 No new revisions were added by this update. -- Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/

[zoo-project] branch pristine-tar created (now 4734dd8)

2016-06-11 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch pristine-tar in repository zoo-project. at 4734dd8 pristine-tar data for zoo-project_1.5.0.orig.tar.xz This branch includes the following new commits: new 4734dd8 prist

[zoo-project] 02/02: Initial upload of version 1.5.0

2016-06-11 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository zoo-project. commit 8e02c87f2fb38e97e7ed1a660eaca70f8ff6024d Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Sun Jun 12 00:23:07 2016 +0300 Initial upload of version 1.5.0

[zoo-project] branch master created (now 8e02c87)

2016-06-11 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository zoo-project. at 8e02c87 Initial upload of version 1.5.0 This branch includes the following new commits: new 4e49691 Imported Upstream version 1.5.0

[pycsw] branch master updated (c208b18 -> 1372edf)

2016-06-10 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a change to branch master in repository pycsw. from c208b18 Add upstream metadata. new 1372edf Added upstream 1.10.x patch to use geolinks 0.2.0 The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are ent

[pycsw] 01/01: Added upstream 1.10.x patch to use geolinks 0.2.0

2016-06-10 Thread Angelos Tzotsos
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. kalxas-guest pushed a commit to branch master in repository pycsw. commit 1372edf4b1e2119a8866d62c6b6d14fa4378904c Author: Angelos Tzotsos Date: Fri Jun 10 19:07:12 2016 +0300 Added upstream 1.10.x patch to use geolinks