[Pharo-users] Oracle FFI - External module not found on OS X

2015-04-25 Thread recursive68
Hi, I wrote a FFI wrapper for an Oracle library ( OCILib ) sometime ago, which worked on Pharo 1.4 and Pharo 2.0 / 3.0. I'm now trying to use it with Pharo 4.0 and its failing with "External module not found". This is on OSX and I've set DYLD_LIB_LIBRARY so the OCILib dylib is present in it. I've

[Pharo-users] Oracle FFI - External module not found on OS X

2015-04-26 Thread recursive68
Hi, Yes, it's on the same machine. I've tried copying the dylib to MacOS/Plugins directory and it doesn't fix it. Weirdly, if I start the Pharo executable from the command line, where I've set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for the dylib in the shell environment, it works. So it seems to be something to d

[Pharo-users] Oracle FFI - External module not found on OS X

2015-04-27 Thread recursive68
Thanks, it's giving this, so it's appears to be 32 bit (I compiled with CFLAGS=-m32): /usr/local/lib/libocilib.dylib: Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386 I think the library is ok, it's just not being found by Pharo when I launch it as an application from the Finder dialog. If I launch

[Pharo-users] Oracle FFI - External module not found on OS X

2015-04-28 Thread recursive68
Discovered the issue, the Oracle FFI wrapper is loading correctly but then is not finding the Oracle Instant Client library correctly. Creating sym links fixes the issue with finding the Oracle Instant Client dylibs but then it still doesn't find Oracle TNS settings etc .. BTW used dtruss (dtrace t

[Pharo-users] Oracle FFI - External module not found on OS X

2015-04-29 Thread recursive68
I found to working solutions which fix issue, also doesn't require symlink in Plugins directory: 1) create plist file in /Library/LaunchAgents which sets library path and Oracle home or 2) create apple script that sets environment variables and run a user login

[Pharo-users] Reddit example

2015-05-29 Thread recursive68
Hi, I'm trying to load the Reddit example from SmalltalkHub (Monticello), it fails with: This package depends on the following classes: DescriptorSystem You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: RedditSchema allTableNames classModelForRedditLin

[Pharo-users] Reddit example

2015-05-30 Thread recursive68
Hi, Yes, I've tried to follow the instructions on https://medium.com/concerning-pharo/reddit-st-in-10-cool-pharo-classes-1b5327ca0740 If I run: Gofer it smalltalkhubUser: 'SvenVanCaekenberghe' project: 'Reddit'; configuration; loadStable. I get the following error: NameLookupFailure: cann

[Pharo-users] Reddit example

2015-06-03 Thread recursive68
Thanks for the pointers. I've got it working in Pharo 4 but had to change this method as I was getting a database session connection error. It appears to be losing the Glorp session, so I changed this class method thus: RedditDatabaseResource login>> "^ DefaultLogin ifNil: [ DefaultLogin := self c

[Pharo-users] Muiltple images / FFI

2013-10-01 Thread recursive68
Hi, I have an app (seaside) that is configured with multiple pharo (1.3) images behind an apache proxy, using a FFI wrapper to a OCI native library to connect to Oracle. It works fine with one image but with multiple images it crashes with a seg fault/memory error when under user load. The error a

[Pharo-users] Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin on OSX with Pharo 2.0 error

2013-10-20 Thread recursive68
Hi, I'm getting this plugin error when trying to use this command to run a SSL webserver on OSX with Pharo 2.0/Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin: Error: SSL Exception: accept failed [code: -5] being called here: accept "Do the SSL server handshake." | count result | self resetEncryptedBuffers. count := 0

[Pharo-users] Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin on OSX with Pharo 2.0 error

2013-10-20 Thread recursive68
Forgot to include command that fails: (ZnSecureServer on: 8443 ) certificate: '/Development/Smalltalk/self-crt/server.pem'; logToTranscript; start; yourself.

[Pharo-users] Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin on OSX with Pharo 2.0 error

2013-10-20 Thread recursive68
>Yes, this is a known issue: certificate management is simple not implemented >in the plugin. Client side you >can ignore this (although that is a security >problem), server side it is functionally necessary. > >ZnSecureServer only works on Linux, AFAIK. I've said this from day one. > >Sven Tha

[Pharo-users] OSX el capitan - SIP

2016-01-04 Thread recursive68
Hi, OSX el capitan implements System Integrity Protection: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Integrity_Protection One of the effects of this is you can no longer modify DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for an OSX application. I use a FFI wrapper to load and use an Oracle library in Pharo but this requires m

[Pharo-users] OSX el capitan - SIP

2016-01-05 Thread recursive68
Hi, Thanks for the suggestion, didn't realise you could do that with OSX applications. I've created a wrapper shell script called Pharo in the MacOS folder with the environment set for DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and renamed the Pharo executable and launched it from the shell script, and it now works correc

[Pharo-users] REEF examples

2016-02-19 Thread recursive68
Hi, I'm trying to use REEF but can only find a few limited examples which aren't helping really. Does anyone know for example how I would update a RETextField value when a REButton is clicked ? I found this example someone answered to a the query I had but it doesn't work: REForm subclass: #MyFo

[Pharo-users] How to debug why external library isn't loading with UFFI or appears not to be ?

2021-05-30 Thread recursive68
What's the best way to debug whether an external library is being loaded or not with UFFI ? I can't tell if it is or not, and nothing is showing up in the pharodebug.log. It's being loaded with the unix64LibraryName method. Thanks