Greetings Pharoers!
I have following problem when using OSSubprocess library. If I run a method
that uses code below, it fails: Error: Error: posix_spawn(), code: 9,
description: Bad file descriptor
Any thoughts, hints are welcome!
My code redirects stdout, stdin in order to catch system outp
Hi Guille,
Thanks for your reply! The problem is not permanent, so I cannot reproduce now
:( It usually happens (not always) with fresh image of launcher (after loading
Launcher project). Is seems that some file keeps hanging that causes that
error. I will confirm if evaluating command directl
Hi there! \
I’m looking for someone, who could do review of PR that implements new test
runner for Exercism project that includes Pharo track. It is nice integration
of using Pharo from command line, Docker (with different build args for loading
correct baseline) and testing the test suite with
Hi there!
Hi there! Pharo track will be promoted on Mind shifting May of Exercism
initiative. Here are some details from one Exercism founder (Erik): \
There are couple of things we could improve here: \
where it i
Hi Sean!
Sorry, I didn’t realize link points to private conversation. Anyway, here is
result - links to video segments related to Pharo (extending to what Offray
already wrote):
Introducing Pharo:
Hello Davide!
I used TonelWriter functionality in one of projects, following worked for me.
`tonelWriter := TonelWriterV2 on: FileLocator home asFileReference. “or any
other directory”`
`tonelWriter writeSnapshot: ((RPackage named: 'YourPackageName') snapshot )`
Note: TonelWri
Congrats Christophe for the release! Great achievement! I was (am) happy to
collaborate on this project. Hopefully community would find it useful - please
share your feedback!
;> handling
>> > of bonuses in last round of game (subclass of Frame). Bowling game can
>> be
>> > then initialized with array 9 Frame instances and last instance could be
>> > LastFrame. I used specific test methods on frame classes like:
>> > #isFrameComplete, #i