Re: [Pharo-users] [Deploy Application] Where to host using Gemstone/s?

2017-03-23 Thread sergio ruiz
. Dale [1] - [2] [3] [4] On 03/22/2017 12:35 PM, sergio ruiz wrote

[Pharo-users] [Deploy] Deploying application - New Best Practices?

2017-05-26 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all.. I have a Pharo application that I ready to deploy to production. I haven’t done this in a lot of years, so I thought I might check around on what the current best practices are. The app is a Teapot(REST) based application that processes SMS and MMS messages, including saving files t

[Pharo-users] [GsDevKit_home] Is this project still the way to set up Gemstone?

2019-05-29 Thread sergio ruiz
I am spending some time learning how gemstone works, and using this project as a starting point. When trying to create a stone using either 3.3.0 or 3.4.0, I get the following error at the very end. This is using the following incantation: createStone devKit_33 3.3.0 |& tee -a $GS_HOME/install.l

Re: [Pharo-users] [GsDevKit_home] Is this project still the way to set up Gemstone?

2019-05-29 Thread sergio ruiz
Thanks, Dale.. I created an issue with all the info.. On May 29, 2019 at 8:46:45 PM, Dale Henrichs ( wrote: Also include the SHA of the GsDevKit_home commit that you are using: cd $GS_HOME git log -1 Dale peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visiona

[Pharo-users] [gemstones] Use case for GsDevKit_home

2019-05-30 Thread sergio ruiz
I have another project coming up, and I have free reign over the tech stack. I am gonna use Pharo, but I'd like to spend my up front time on this project figuring out the things I usually wait until the end to do. One of these issues is setting up gemstones. I would like to use GsDevKit_home, but

Re: [Pharo-users] [gemstones] Use case for GsDevKit_home

2019-05-30 Thread sergio ruiz
Yes! Does Gemstones have this ability? On May 30, 2019 at 9:59:31 AM, James Foster ( wrote: Backup and restore? James peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV http://www.codea

Re: [Pharo-users] [gemstones] Use case for GsDevKit_home

2019-05-30 Thread sergio ruiz
Whew… hefty.. digging into this now.. Thanks! On May 30, 2019 at 2:10:56 PM, James Foster ( wrote: Yes, GemStone supports backup and restore. See 11. Making and Restoring Backups

[Pharo-users] Modeling HABTM

2019-06-10 Thread sergio ruiz
I am currently putting together a Seaside website for my radio show. I am trying to figure out how to model the "has and belongs to many" relationships. Each episode can have many tracks, each of these tracks can belong to several episodes. I want to be able to present a listing of which episode

Re: [Pharo-users] Modeling HABTM

2019-06-10 Thread sergio ruiz
Thanks! I’ll look at this. I’d like to keep it in the OO domain.. There is no existing data. Everything would be created for this project. > On Jun 10, 2019, at 12:53 PM, Ben Coman wrote: > > If you are keeping your design purely in the object-oriented domain, > you might try Mutual Friends..

Re: [Pharo-users] Modeling HABTM

2019-06-10 Thread sergio ruiz
when you say references, how does this look in pharo? I don’t know that I have used such a relationship. I was thinking that an object would have an instance variable that was an ordered collection of objects.. So having one object belong to two parent objects could be tricky. > On Jun 10, 2

Re: [Pharo-users] Modeling HABTM

2019-06-10 Thread sergio ruiz
ah! this exactly how i ended up putting it together… and thanks, Jim for the pointers… I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t totally missing something.. > On Jun 10, 2019, at 1:53 PM, Esteban Maringolo wrote: > > But it's not that one object has two "parents" (this isn't a tree like > structu

Re: [Pharo-users] Modeling HABTM

2019-06-10 Thread sergio ruiz
these numbers are super tiny.. 25 episodes so far with about 15 tracks per episode.. > On Jun 10, 2019, at 1:36 PM, James Foster wrote: > > The disadvantage is extra time doing the lookup. But before you discount this > approach, ask yourself what performance penalty this will cost. How many

Re: [Pharo-users] Modeling HABTM

2019-06-12 Thread sergio ruiz
Oh! i am trying to do everything in pharo/seaside.. i am not using a database at all.. i am working on getting this set up in gemstones, but i am still really confused in that area.. > On Jun 12, 2019, at 10:35 PM, Jeff Gray wrote: > > diagram, you may not need a class to model play. As it

[Pharo-users] [OrderedCollection] add a reference or a copy?

2019-07-24 Thread sergio ruiz
I think my understanding of OrderedCollections has been incorrect for a very long time. I have never had a situation where it mattered, but in modeling a current project, I think I have been approaching it incorrectly. Since I have been using Smalltalk, I assumed that a copy of an object is adde

Re: [Pharo-users] [OrderedCollection] add a reference or a copy?

2019-07-24 Thread sergio ruiz
Okay. This makes the entire universe make more sense. Thanks! > On Jul 24, 2019, at 9:30 AM, Esteban Maringolo wrote: > > Yes, it is the same. Everything is passed by "reference" (*). > And if you copy the collection you'll get two collections referencing > the same object. peace, sergio

[Pharo-users] OrderedCollection as an instance variable

2019-07-24 Thread sergio ruiz
I'm implementing an instance variable as an OrderedCollection, and am doing something idiotic. I have an Artist class. An Artist can have many tracks: tracks ^ tracks ifNil: [ self tracks: OrderedCollection new ] tracks: anObject tracks := anObject Doing something like: a := Artist n

Re: [Pharo-users] OrderedCollection as an instance variable

2019-07-24 Thread sergio ruiz
Oh! how about this: tracks: anObject tracks := anObject. ^ tracks ? > On Jul 24, 2019, at 10:48 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > > because your #tracks: returns self, not the collection value peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key:

Re: [Pharo-users] OrderedCollection as an instance variable

2019-07-24 Thread sergio ruiz
hmm… maybe this is cleaner.. tracks tracks ifNil: [ self tracks: OrderedCollection new ]. ^ tracks > > > because your #tracks: returns self, not the collection value peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBas

Re: [Pharo-users] OrderedCollection as an instance variable

2019-07-24 Thread sergio ruiz
> > tracks > ^tracks ifNil: [ tracks := OrderedCollection new ]. > > - one line > - does not mix using accusers and not using accessors. Okay, I totally get the subtlety now. I don’t even need an accessor. Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: http:

[Pharo-users] New non-critical project - which Pharo to use?

2019-09-19 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. I have a new project that I am launching. It’s non critical, and not complex. It will be using Teapot and Fuel, and not much else. Should I start working on Pharo 8? Is everyone migrating to 8 now? Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: http://bi

Re: [Pharo-users] New non-critical project - which Pharo to use?

2019-09-20 Thread sergio ruiz
I’ll check.. > On Sep 20, 2019, at 4:07 AM, Torsten Bergmann wrote: > > Hi sergio, > > Teapot tests are red in P8 - havent checked yet why peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV @sergio_101@masto

[Pharo-users] Pharo 8 and Teapot

2019-09-24 Thread sergio ruiz
Just checking in on this. I started up a REST API project in Pharo 8. I thought I read somewhere that Teapot was failing tests in Pharo 8. I fired it up, and put together the beginnings of the project, and it looks fine. All tests pass. There was one SSL test that was not running in 7 either,

[Pharo-users] Deploy a Pharo 8 application remotely

2019-10-10 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all.. I put together a quick REST interface to use internally here. It’s ready to launch to a production server, and I’m not sure how to set it up on the remote server. The current zeroconf downloads and sets up a Pharo 7 instance. What I would like to do is set up Pharo 8 on the remote s

Re: [Pharo-users] Deploy a Pharo 8 application remotely

2019-10-10 Thread sergio ruiz
This is PERFECT! thanks! > On Oct 10, 2019, at 2:19 PM, Alistair Grant wrote: > > curl | bash peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2

[Pharo-users] Running a teapot instance remotely

2019-10-10 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. I am running my teapot instance remotely, but I’m not sure how to start it up. Just for testing, I am trying this: ./pharo LunchPicker.image eval "server := PickerServer serveOn: 3200. server start” & But no luck. ideas? Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visiona

Re: [Pharo-users] Running a teapot instance remotely

2019-10-10 Thread sergio ruiz
This worked perfectly! To keep this running, I am running it in tux, so it will keep running when I log out. How are people keeping it running these days? Thanks! > On Oct 10, 2019, at 3:46 PM, Tim Mackinnon wrote: > > Sergio - looking at the last time I did this, my run script did: > > >

[Pharo-users] Extracting MP3 metadata

2020-01-23 Thread sergio ruiz
One of the projects I am working on requires the reading of mp3 metadata. I see this is covered all over the place in different languages, but I don’t see one for Pharo/Smalltalk. Does anyone know off hand of something like this? Would it be worthwhile to do something like this in Smalltalk, or

Re: [Pharo-users] Extracting MP3 metadata

2020-01-24 Thread sergio ruiz
THIS! is exactly what I need. Thank you so much! > On Jan 24, 2020, at 4:05 AM, VERHAEGHE Benoit wrote: > > To read mp3 metadata you should rely on an id3 parser > ( ). > I use/develop this one:

[Pharo-users] [Pharo Mooc] Change colors of test results

2020-11-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all.. I am taking the Pharo Mooc, and was wondering: is there any way to change the color next to the test method name? I am colorblind, and I can’t tell the different between green and yellow. Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: https://pgp.key-

[Pharo-users] Re: [Pharo Mooc] Change colors of test results

2020-12-01 Thread sergio ruiz
ah! i just saw this. thanks for the help.. > On Nov 19, 2020, at 2:20 AM, hogoww wrote: > > The only other way I found would be to recreate the object, but I'm not > comfortable enough with UI stuff to help you more than that :/ peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public K

[Pharo-users] GemStone/S on Docker?

2018-04-09 Thread sergio ruiz
Has anyone set up GemStone/S on Docker? I have another project that I need persistence on. In the past, I have use voyager, but I’d really like to use something that doesn’t require refactoring. I was looking at Magma, but it looks like that is Squeak only. peace, sergio photographer, jou

Re: [Pharo-users] GemStone/S on Docker?

2018-04-10 Thread sergio ruiz
What do you mean by „something that doesn’t require refactoring“ ? I used mongo voyager for a few projects.. i ended up having to refactor here and there to get it to work (to connect my data mongodb).. I’d like to try an object database. I think to put GemStone/S on docker should be easy pa

[Pharo-users] Creating a repository with Iceberg

2018-04-19 Thread sergio ruiz
I am just getting started with Iceberg. In creating a new repo on my local machine, I keep getting this error: Object>>doesNotUnderstand: #asSymbol it has a beef with this line: defaultFileFormat ^ Smalltalk at: self defaultFileFormatType asSymbol Do i need to set this in my image? Th

Re: [Pharo-users] Creating a repository with Iceberg

2018-04-19 Thread sergio ruiz
Perfect.. works for me.. Thanks! On April 19, 2018 at 2:42:08 PM, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras ( wrote: World>>System>>Settings>>Tools>>Software Configuration Management>>Iceberg  and choose the  File format type: tonel/filetree peace, sergio photographer, journalist

[Pharo-users] [Voyage] Possible to save an OrderedCollection?

2018-04-27 Thread sergio ruiz
For some reason, I am not able to do this: Object subclass: #TestBox instanceVariableNames: 'origin corner pointList' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PrintBot-Models’! initialize pointList := OrderedCollection new. If i do somethin

Re: [Pharo-users] [Voyage] Possible to save an OrderedCollection?

2018-04-27 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, esteban.. In this case, the persisted object is TestBox.. it does show up just fine in Mongo, but the OrderedCollection of points does not. On April 27, 2018 at 8:57:26 AM, Esteban Lorenzano ( wrote: what you need to save is the persistent object, the one marked as “i

Re: [Pharo-users] [Voyage] Possible to save an OrderedCollection?

2018-04-27 Thread sergio ruiz
Ah.. ok. this did it.. So, this works, meaning that the production code i have in place is the problem.. I must have a loop somewhere.. I can’t find it for the life of me.. On April 27, 2018 at 4:10:53 PM, Esteban Lorenzano ( wrote: did you add the property after doing s

[Pharo-users] [Voyage] How to declare an instance variable as transient?

2018-04-30 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all.. I have an instance variable that I don’t want to save as part of the full project. I was wondering how to set this up. The documentation says: Lastly, attributes can be excluded from storage (and hence retrieval) by re- turning a VOMongoTransientDescription instance as the attribute d

Re: [Pharo-users] [Voyage] How to declare an instance variable as transient?

2018-05-03 Thread sergio ruiz
rences ^VOTransientDescription new attributeName: 'questionReferences'; yourself Cheers! Alejandro On Apr 30, 2018, at 3:21 PM, sergio ruiz wrote: Hi, all.. I have an instance variable that I don’t want to save as part of the full project. I was wondering how to set this up. The do

[Pharo-users] [Errors] email on error?

2018-05-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Is there  a way to send an email on an error or exception? I have an app that runs live on a remote server, and I am finding that every now and then, the server will lock up, and I won’t know what’s going on with it. Currently, i pull the image and run it local, but an email with a stack trace

[Pharo-users] Lazy vs eager initialization

2018-05-29 Thread sergio ruiz
If a model has a list of things.. such as a user that can/may have lots of pets, are there any real benefits to initializing the list of pets lazily? like: self pets := OrderedCollection new. vs. pets  pets ifNil: [self pets: OrderedCollection new]  ^ pets thanks! peace, sergio photogra

Re: [Pharo-users] Lazy vs eager initialization

2018-05-29 Thread sergio ruiz
This makes sense.. in the the cases i am writing now, all objects will, by definition, have a bunch objects in the collection.. Thanks! On May 29, 2018 at 12:02:53 PM, Norbert Hartl ( wrote: Lazy initialization is good if you only want to assign additional objects when nee

[Pharo-users] Working with an entire project in git

2018-08-17 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all.. I was just checking in to see the progress of managing an entire project with git. The last I checked in, this was a work in progress. My current pet project consists of a handful of classes with maybe two handfuls of required packages. Is the entire metacello configuration being han

[Pharo-users] My Pharo image is crashing

2019-01-20 Thread sergio ruiz
I have an image that I have been working on for a few weeks. Today, when I went to edit a method, the image crashed, and it crashes whenever I try to save. normally, I wouldn’t care, but this one has a bunch of data (as Ordered Collections in class variables). The current size of the image is 19

[Pharo-users] [Iceberg] Loading my git project into a new image

2019-01-20 Thread sergio ruiz
I had a troublesome image today, so my first thought is to dump the image, and load the packages back up in a new image. While I can clone the the repo on in my new image using Iceberg, I can’t figure out now to load the packages, now that they are loaded up via iceberg. under “loaded version” i

Re: [Pharo-users] [Iceberg] Loading my git project into a new image

2019-01-21 Thread sergio ruiz
You can also double click into the repository, or click on the "Packages" menu. For some reason, I am not getting “Packages” in my menu: peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV http://www.codeandm

Re: [Pharo-users] [Iceberg] Loading my git project into a new image

2019-01-21 Thread sergio ruiz
I am not able to get the packages view to load on my project. How would I go about creating a baseline? On January 21, 2019 at 4:00:01 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe ( wrote: For your own projects, you will have to create your own BaselineOf, which is easier than creating a Configuration

Re: [Pharo-users] [Iceberg] Loading my git project into a new image

2019-01-21 Thread sergio ruiz
Ah! I have been using 6.0 as this project is going to be a seaside website on a real production project.. Maybe I should try it in Pharo 7, and see if it works.. On January 21, 2019 at 9:16:12 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe ( wrote: Wow, this looks like a very old Iceberg. At least in P

[Pharo-users] Pharo 7 image does not load

2019-01-22 Thread sergio ruiz
I have been working in my image all day today, and it was working great. This evening, when I went to fire it up, it appears to start, but I am not seeing the image running. The icon hangs, and it does nothing. Here is an my debug.log for just one iteration of this. Any help would be appreciated

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 image does not load

2019-01-23 Thread sergio ruiz
WOW! Thanks so much for the in depth! This prompted me to do the same thing with a new image.. If it turns out that this takes more than half an hour, i might just create a new image and load my project up.. Thanks again! On January 23, 2019 at 11:02:11 AM, Ben Coman ( wro

[Pharo-users] Pharo Launcher and Command Line

2019-02-05 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all. I REALLY dig the pharo launcher! this is a great addition. One quick question. How do i go about running a method from the command line? Specifically, I usually run something like: ./pharo Pharo.image ../scripts/ To set up a new image with the current proj

[Pharo-users] Formatting Dates

2019-02-06 Thread sergio ruiz
I have been using this to format dates: printFormat: #(3 2 1 $/ 1 1 2) which goes like: printFormat: formatArray "Answer a String describing the receiver using the argument formatArray." ^ String new: 16 streamContents: [ :aStream | self printOn: aStream format: formatArray ] But i am unclear

[Pharo-users] Trying to understand Developing with Pharo, Deploying with Gemstone/s

2019-02-08 Thread sergio ruiz
I have an app that is ready to deploy to alpha. I usually do this by creating a script that builds a minimal pharo image, and run that on a cloud server. I then use TelePharo to make any live tweaks that need to happen, and something like: ./pharo Pharo.image "/run/the/script" to keep run cron j

Re: [Pharo-users] Boostrap for seaside : incorrect JQuery version

2019-02-08 Thread sergio ruiz
Just for the record, I am having the same problem.. On February 8, 2019 at 3:20:18 PM, Dominique Dartois ( wrote: Hi all I installed seaside + Bootstrap from the « Catalog Browser », following the tips at!/~TorstenBergmann/ I run Pharo 7 64bits on MacOS

Re: [Pharo-users] Trying to understand Developing with Pharo, Deploying with Gemstone/s

2019-02-09 Thread sergio ruiz
Yes.. I created a little script I can run, minus the parts to load up the iceberg project… On February 9, 2019 at 12:05:47 PM, Hilaire ( wrote: Off topic. Do you have a receipt to buid from a minimal image? peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: h

[Pharo-users] Loading an iceberg repo from in the playground

2019-02-09 Thread sergio ruiz
I’d like to pull my iceberg projects inside the playground, so that I can automate the loading on the command line. Is there any documentation on how to do this? Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJja

[Pharo-users] Loading TelePharo on Pharo 7

2019-02-09 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all.. I am looking to install TelePharo on my 7.01 image using the setup found at : like Metacello new baseline: 'TelePharo'; repository: 'github://dionisiydk/TelePharo'; load: 'Server’. and running into the following error. Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: [Pharo-users] Trying to understand Developing with Pharo, Deploying with Gemstone/s

2019-02-09 Thread sergio ruiz
Ah.. i think i get it. I just want to get this image running on the web.. I think that’s a little bit more rabbit hole than I want to tackle right now. On February 9, 2019 at 7:58:04 PM, Pierce Ng ( wrote: Gemstone has Gofer. I develop on Pharo, save to .mcz using Monticel

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading TelePharo on Pharo 7

2019-02-12 Thread sergio ruiz
ct code. > > Problem that telepharo depends on old version of Calypso but image > includes the latest one. It needs to be fixed. I will look at it. > > And we should fix install scripts in readme page. It still references my > repo but it was moved to pharo-ide org > > 9

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading TelePharo on Pharo 7

2019-02-12 Thread sergio ruiz
Yes! correct.. i just built a new work image from scratch, and it works fine. Connecting to my remote now.. Thanks! On February 12, 2019 at 12:20:50 PM, Denis Kudriashov ( wrote: Try it with closed browsers because it loads different version and it will break live instance

[Pharo-users] [TelePharo] Error in remote playground..

2019-02-12 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all.. I am now able to connect to my remote image, but I am having one more issue. When opening a remote playground and trying to manipulate objects, i am getting: ideas? Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBasw

Re: [Pharo-users] [TelePharo] Error in remote playground..

2019-02-12 Thread sergio ruiz
I am not sure I follow.. Do you mean grab the source from github using Iceberg? Thanks! On February 12, 2019 at 4:03:25 PM, Denis Kudriashov ( wrote: Ah, it needs new release. Try load dev versions of telepharo and seamless from Iceberg peace, sergio photographer, jou

Re: [Pharo-users] [TelePharo] Error in remote playground..

2019-02-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Awesome! is this the one i should be using? Thanks! On February 17, 2019 at 3:06:18 PM, Denis Kudriashov ( wrote: I released new version of TelePharo adopted for Pharo 7. So now it should work out of the box peace, sergio photogr

[Pharo-users] [PharoRemote] View remote Transcript

2019-02-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all.. Is it possible to use PharoRemote to watch the remote site’s Transcript? Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV http:

[Pharo-users] Pharo Image with Seaside dies without any clues

2019-02-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. My seaside image seems to run for an indeterminate amount of time here and there, then just stops running without writing to PharoDebug. How do I go about debugging the application crash? Is there another log somewhere? It looks like there are other (path) issues when the the image star

[Pharo-users] Measuring memory usage

2019-02-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Wondering if my image is dying due to memory usage. How would I go about getting a realistic measurement? Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV http://www.twitt

Re: [Pharo-users] Measuring memory usage

2019-02-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Snap! i forgot about that! I really need to get that put behind a password On February 18, 2019 at 1:56:23 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe ( wrote: Do you know about Seaside's Status page/dev tool. It is there by default, it has many tabs that give you more information about the running

[Pharo-users] Running pharo in daemon mode

2019-02-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Hey, all.. I found my issue.. I need to be running in daemon mode.. i was running with &, but as soon as my connection lets go, the app dies.. I tried using daemon tools, but it looks like the site stays up for one second, and a new PID is generated.. Anyone have any hints on how people are doin

Re: [Pharo-users] Running pharo in daemon mode

2019-02-19 Thread sergio ruiz
My daemontools run file looks like: #!/bin/bash # settings USER="bandtracker" VM="/home/bandtracker/pharoImages/pharo" VM_PARAMS="-mmap 256m -vm-sound-null -vm-display-null" IMAGE="/home/bandtracker/pharoImages/Pharo.image" # start the vm exec \ setuidgid "$USER" \ "$VM" $VM_PARAMS "$IMA

[Pharo-users] [seaside] adding attributes to link/stylesheet tag

2019-02-20 Thread sergio ruiz
How would I go about rendering this:"; integrity="sha384-fnmOCqbTlWIlj8LyTjo7mOUStjsKC4pOpQbqyi7RrhN7udi9RwhKkMHpvLbHG9Sr" crossorigin="anonymous”> I am not sure how to add the *integrity* and *crossorigin* attributes to the tag.. Thanks!

Re: [Pharo-users] [seaside] adding attributes to link/stylesheet tag

2019-02-20 Thread sergio ruiz
Scratch that .. false alarm.. had to go up a level to find attributeAt: put: sorry for the interruption .. On February 20, 2019 at 10:37:21 PM, sergio ruiz ( wrote: How would I go about rendering this:"; inte

Re: [Pharo-users] Trying to understand Developing with Pharo, Deploying with Gemstone/s

2019-02-21 Thread sergio ruiz
Okay. let me wrap my head around all of this.. thanks! On February 20, 2019 at 5:17:27 PM, Dale Henrichs ( wrote: Hello Sergio, Sorry for the delay in replying .. too many balls in the air:) I'll comment in-line .. peace, sergio photographer, journalist

[Pharo-users] Repeateble URLs - REST?

2019-02-25 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all.. I am looking to have a repeatable url so users can save them and share them.. something like: and in my next project, I’ll be doing something like a CMS where you would get: /blog_entries/this-is-the-path I am thinking of using REST to flesh o

Re: [Pharo-users] Repeateble URLs - REST?

2019-02-25 Thread sergio ruiz
Gotcha.. So, in Seaside, should how should I handle the routes? with Seaside REST? On February 25, 2019 at 2:56:49 PM, S Krish ( wrote:

[Pharo-users] [Seaside] Resource Based routing

2019-02-25 Thread sergio ruiz
Okay, gathering info regarding my last post. I need to create REST urls to point to things in my app like blog posts, show notes, etc.. I am thinking to do this, I should probably follow this: Am I on the right track? Thanks! pe

[Pharo-users] Voyage for Pharo 7

2019-02-26 Thread sergio ruiz
Is the installation for this set up somewhere? I am using the metacello script here: and the catalog.. and am getting errors everywhere. Thanks! peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: #BitMessage BM-NBas

[Pharo-users] [Parsing XML] Error calling Shout

2019-02-26 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. I am currently using the AWS S3 plugin to get a list of buckets available. This call sends back a pile of XML.. The XML is coming back valid, but I am getting back something like: XMLDocumentHighlightDefaults error…. and inside this error, SHTextStylerST80 new <- where ’new’ is being s

Re: [Pharo-users] Repeateble URLs - REST?

2019-02-28 Thread sergio ruiz
I like that uses Seaside and also my Twitter Bootstrap Library. Thanks so much for your library! I have built several applications in seaside, and always dig using it.. it’s my go to framework when I do a project on my own.. Seaside by default works with state

[Pharo-users] Updating objects in the inspector

2024-01-12 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. I have been away from Pharo/Smalltalk for several years, but I am coming back to it now. I am a senior developer, but haven’t used smalltalk in any professional projects. I also found that I don’t do ANY pet projects for fun anymore, as the current batch of languages/frameworks are no

[Pharo-users] Removing and object from an OrderedCollection in the inspector

2024-01-12 Thread sergio ruiz
I am trying to remove some objects from an OrderedCollection in the inspector. I have class called Event. This has a class variable called Events which is a storage are for and ordered collection of Events. So, i inspected “Event Events” and I see my ordered collection. In the inspector, I sel

[Pharo-users] Document layout with Pharo

2024-01-13 Thread Sergio Ruiz
Hi, all. I am looking to create a newspaper like listing of movie showtimes. Initially, I thought of using imagemagick’s annotate command to generate the output. Thinking further, I thought it might be worthwhile to generate a LaTeX file, and render that to a jpg. Then, I thought there mig

[Pharo-users] Re: Updating objects in the inspector

2024-01-14 Thread sergio ruiz
okay.. i got that working.. i thought there might be a way to edit it in place with the inspector window to the right.. but this works.. thanks! > On Jan 14, 2024, at 4:42 AM, Noury Bouraqadi wrote: > > The pane at the bottom of the inspector is a playground that has acces to the > object in

[Pharo-users] Re: Document layout with Pharo

2024-01-14 Thread sergio ruiz
Thanks! I think i am gonna try pdfkit.. or maybe the wkhtomtopdf package.. Thanks! > On Jan 13, 2024, at 4:53 PM, Richard Sargent > wrote: > > Christian Haider has PDFtalk, originally in Visual works, but he and others > have created ports to GenStone, Squeak, and Pharo. > > Bob Nemec crea

[Pharo-users] Re: Document layout with Pharo

2024-01-15 Thread sergio ruiz
OH! This looks VERY cool! I have never seen typst before. My needs are super simple. I am looking at using Aretfact ( for PDF generation. Mustache seems like it might be a good fit for text generation. Did you use a

[Pharo-users] GLASS Platform - Docker container?

2024-01-16 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. I used the GLASS platform years ago, and I was thinking it might be a good match for my upcoming projects. The documentation looks to be the same documentation I used back when I started with Seaside. I am wondering if GLASS has been ported to Docker yet. This seems like a natural e

[Pharo-users] [ Security ] Accessing private information from Pharo image

2024-01-16 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. One of my projects logs in to Spaces (Digital Ocean’s version of S3). I need to be able access the credentials, but I don’t want to store them in the source code, as I will be using Github to store the projects. Is there an accepted way to do this (encryption)? Should I store them on

[Pharo-users] Re: GLASS Platform - Docker container?

2024-01-16 Thread sergio ruiz
> > This question might be better for the GLASS mailing list > (, but > I’m happy to respond here. > awesome. i just joined and am ready to go.. thanks! > I wrote about GemStone in a Docker container in 2018 (see > https://p

[Pharo-users] Re: [ Security ] Accessing private information from Pharo image

2024-01-16 Thread sergio ruiz
Gotcha. I am developing on a Mac, but in production, it will be running on a linux machine. Thanks! > On Jan 16, 2024, at 11:58 PM, James Foster via Pharo-users > wrote: > > If you are running the code on your own machine, logged as you, then I would > just keep the credentials in ~/.ssh as

[Pharo-users] Troubleshooting ByteArray

2024-01-17 Thread sergio ruiz
Hi, all. I am working on creating a PDF with Artefact ( and am having an issue running the first example. the Example looks like: PDFDocument new add: (PDFPage new add: (PDFTextElement new text: 'Hello'; from: 10mm@10mm)); exportTo: 'test.pdf' a

[Pharo-users] Re: Troubleshooting ByteArray

2024-01-17 Thread sergio ruiz
Thanks for the input everyone! I ended up just removing the compression.. In this case, this is not critical at all, so I can live with this.. Thanks, all! > On Jan 17, 2024, at 7:18 PM, Todd Blanchard via Pharo-users > wrote: > > I guess I’ll point you to the issue too. > > PDFStreamPri

[Pharo-users] Backing up data

2024-01-17 Thread sergio ruiz
I have been in the relational database world for decades. One of the things that is super simple is backing up and restoring data. Sometimes, it makes it makes sense to pull the production data into development. In the case of a catastrophe, it’s super simple to restore data from a backup. I a

[Pharo-users] Re: Backing up data

2024-01-18 Thread sergio ruiz
OOH.. I like this idea. I’ll do a quick test on this and see if it works as expected.. For now, I want to store the data in the image. The trick is, I like to start with a fresh image every few days. So, I’d like to open a new Pharo, pull the source code, then pull the data. Thanks! > > If

[Pharo-users] Re: Backing up data

2024-01-18 Thread sergio ruiz
Using this Will my links remain viable using this method? Meaning that an event has a theater. That theater is also in the OrderedCollection of Theaters. If the name of he theater changed in the Theaters collection, will that name change occur in the event theater object? After bringing these

[Pharo-users] Re: Backing up data

2024-01-18 Thread sergio ruiz
I figured Gemstones would be SUPER heavy handed for this application, but I have a list of five projects, each increasing in complexity that I want to launch and document. So, sooner or later, I will need a more robust solution. Thanks! > On Jan 18, 2024, at 8:26 AM, Norbert Hartl wrote: >

[Pharo-users] Re: Backing up data

2024-01-18 Thread sergio ruiz
The idea is, I have been a software engineer for the past three decades. I REALLY love my profession (even though now, it’s pretty much sitting in meetings all day), but I love it. I have a few projects I always wanted to do, because I just want to do them because they are useful to me. I have

[Pharo-users] Git Repositories browser vs. monticello

2024-01-19 Thread sergio ruiz
In the workspace, I see that Git Repositories browser if the first selection, and Monicello is marked as legacy. The last time I was using Pharo, I think the Git browser was called “Iceberg.” Are these the same thing? Have we now made the move to Git as our primary SCM? Thanks! peace, s

[Pharo-users] Re: Git Repositories browser vs. monticello

2024-01-19 Thread sergio ruiz
Perfect. I will be open sourcing all of my source code, so this will make it easier. Thanks! > On Jan 19, 2024, at 11:20 AM, Cyril FERLICOT-DELBECQUE via Pharo-users > wrote: > > Iceberg is indeed to Git Browser. The menu was updated to be more user > friendly because Iceberg is a little cry

[Pharo-users] Iterating over a Dictionary

2024-01-23 Thread sergio ruiz
I need to iterate over a dictionary. I asked the AI buddy for a little help, and he says: | myDictionary | "Create a dictionary" myDictionary := Dictionary new. myDictionary at: 'one' put: 1. myDictionary at: 'two' put: 2. myDictionary at: 'three' put: 3. "Iterate over the dictionary" myDiction

[Pharo-users] Re: Iterating over a Dictionary

2024-01-23 Thread sergio ruiz
oh! this makes sense.. let me try this. The trick is, i have used the AI system from JetBrains (in my day job IDE).. and it has figured out a bunch of smalltalk questions i had. Even questions about the pharo ecosystem. It hasn’t always been 100%, but it got me to look in the right place quick

[Pharo-users] Re: How to run multiple images?

2024-01-23 Thread sergio ruiz
I am in the same boat. I have been using the pharo launcher for a few years, and it lets you do all of these things with no fuss.. check out: > On Jan 23, 2024, at 11:39 AM, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users > wrote: > > First: it is not possible anymore to drag and

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