. I'm
also at discord so you can contact me @skaplar.
Best regards,
Sebastijan Kaplar
Hello as Norbert I'm also interested. To provide a little more context I'm
working on a NewWave as a part of my PhD. The new and interesting side that is
supported is that the NewWave integrates with TaskIT for tasks executions, with
now added support for boundary events and task scheduling. I h
Hello everyone,
so I can’t resolve the problem in my project, which emerged when something
happened in one of those repositories (it was working fine previously).
When I try to load the project using metacello
Metacello new
baseline: #NewWave;
repository: 'github://skaplar/NewW
something like that in my baseline
configuration, so that the build does not fail?
> On Apr 15, 2020, at 08:57, Johan Brichau wrote:
>> On 14 Apr 2020, at 11:35, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> Hi,