[Pharo-users] "Atlas is a Spec application" — New blog post on all: objects all: theTime

2024-05-05 Thread Koen De Hondt
Dear Pharo users and developers, I added the next blog post to the series on Atlas, a new browser for Pharo. It describes the relationship between Atlas and Spec, the UI framework of Pharo. The blog post introduces the basic building blocks o

[Pharo-users] Re: [Pharo-dev] "Atlas is a Spec application" — New blog post on all: objects all: theTime

2024-05-05 Thread Stewart MacLean
Hi Koen, Thanks for a very good summary of Spec and your experience with it. I have encountered similar challenges as you have, and empathise with the frustration of delving into the Spec/Morphic machinery to figure out what is going on. Fortunately, it is constantly being improved. All the best