I’m looking for a list of individuals who have contributed greatly to the
advancement of Smalltalk, post Xerox PARC period (1972-1980). By advancement, I
don’t only mean on a technical basis but on an educational or public awareness
basis (this could include books, podcasts, talk circuit, video
In the Spec2 examples included with Pharo9, in the example for SpListPresenter,
when I try to input text in the list filter, I get an error: the debug window
says: "Instance of OrderedCollection did not understand #hasElementAt:". The
example works correctly in Pharo8.
Is there a workaround to
Hi Tau,
The filter that was bundled with the list components is deprecated and should
not be used.
Instead, we provide another component with that functionality:
Take a loot there and its examples.
On Jul 25 2021, at 5:52 am, tau wrote:
> In the Spec2 exampl