Hello everybody,
sorry for the newbie question. I would like to know what is the fastest,
lightweight way to share a package with other Pharo users. the package can be
downloaded from my GitHub.
... this is more for Pharo developpers than Pharo users, but informing also
users just in case :)
Anyone here run a web app using plain ZnServer (or subclasses) on a cheap VPS
(i.e., $10/month DO droplet or equivalent). What are your experiences?,
I am planning a web app with just plain ZnServer, SQLite3, ATS or equivalent.
Thanks, Vince
Hi Vince,
That is certainly possible and works well. I would recommend an instance with
1GB RAM, that leaves you some headroom.
Deploying web applications is of course a broad subject, much of the required
knowledge is not Pharo specific, but needed anyway.
The last chapter in the Pharo Enterp
Can the Pharo VM or a library do a “select” on a collection of processes
waiting on a socket or file IO? Something like
https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/select.2.html, or
Say I have a bunch of forked processes