[Pharo-users] Re: New VM, how do I get it

2021-05-19 Thread teso...@gmail.com
Hi David, for M1 we have Pharo 9 compatible VMs, you can download them using Zero Conf or directly. For the latest: - wget -O - https://get.pharo.org/vmLatest90 | bash - http://files.pharo.org/get-files/90/pharo-vm-Darwin-arm64-latest.zip For the stable: - wget -O - https://get.pharo.or

[Pharo-users] Re: P3 connection error

2021-05-19 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
Bernard, > On 18 May 2021, at 22:23, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > > Tomorrow I will try to test plain and tls connections on my machine. It took some trial & error with my local PostgreSQL server (on my mac I use https://postgresapp.com although I normally use the regular Ubuntu versions on