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Is there a "Pharo By Example 8" pdf document that can be downloaded?
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I found the pdf of PBE 8, but it is the last change. The current build of
PBE 8 failed.
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Thanks I will check this since I’m working on it.
> On 6 Aug 2020, at 17:37, gpatrick wrote:
> From: gpatrick
> Subject: Re: A question concerning Nautilus
> Date: 6 August 2020 at 17:37:56 CEST
> To: pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
> I found the pdf of PBE 8, but it is the last change
this would be nice for archival in the bug entry.
> On 5 Aug 2020, at 18:34, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> wrote:
> Thanks Stéphane and Tomo,
> I have added the working code to the GH issue thread. There is still need of
> testing images for the non working one?
> Offray
> On 5
> One more thought on this... I assume you've seen Jupyter Notebooks?
> They're starting to see some use where I work (we now have our own
> 'enterprise server'). I recently took an intro class to see how it works,
> and how to use them.
> How much of a "Jupyter-style" notebook capability w