Hi Sebastian,
We are not using fogbugz since a long time for bug report. You can submit yr
issue on Pharo github issue tracker:
Sent from my iPhone
> On 14 Jun 2020, at 13:35, Sebastian Heidbrink wrote:
> Hello,
> I am unfortunately
Hi, I added an image to a subclass of WAFileLibrary to serve it as a
static file from within Pharo. Everything seems fine, except that the
/files URL is not accessible:
Error: you are forbidden to access "/files".
and source view displays
/files/EMStaticFiles/window.png not found
if I click
hi Sebastian,
Thanks for taking the time to report your issue.
Note that Fogbugz is no longer used for issue tracking.
Issues are now tracked at... https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues
Could you try creating your issue there?
cheers -ben
On Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 13:35, Sebastian Heidbrink
The handler at /files (WAFileManager?), is set to explicitly forbid listing
of files.
El dom., 14 de junio de 2020 07:33, Tomaž Turk
> Hi, I added an image to a subclass of WAFileLibrary to serve it as a
> static file from within Pharo. Everything seems fine, except that the
> /files U
--- Begin Message ---
Thank you Serge and Ben,
I am sorry, I used google and this came up first.
Sure, I can raise the issue on Github.
Thanks again!
On 2020-06-14 4:31 a.m., Ben Coman wrote:
hi Sebastian,
Thanks for taking the time to report your issue.
Note that Fogbugz is no lon
Thanks Sebastian
We are now since a couple of years managing Pharo via github.
I can do a Pull Request with you changes.
Now it may be a good occasion for you to practice.
Let me know if you want to try by yourself.
Hi all.
In Playground I write these lines:
Transcript cr; show: DateAndTime now printString.
Transcript cr; show: (DateAndTime fromSeconds: (DateAndTime now asSeconds))
and in the Transcript window I get these results:
I wa
I can't comment on the problem per se, as I am not a frequent Pharo user.
But whenever something would be all over the place, I'd suggest thinking
about wrapping the problem into its own class, so that your point in
time is not an instance of DateAndTime but one of your wrapper class.
Isn't time represented as numbers like floats; it is meaningless to test
for equality. It's only meaningful to test for equality within a
tolerance. This gives the, possibly unexpected, π != π (pi != pi).
The reason is that the first pi could be 3.14 while the second could be
3.14159265358979 --
I know what you mean although with something as ubiquitous as a date, which
may be initiated from a ui control, or initialised to now, or some other
date, like now, or midnight etc, I wouldn't expect to wrap that up in
It's hard to say as I'm just working on a persistence layer right now,
I expect you are right.
I generally won't be looking for an exact match, even down to time. Maybe a
date match, but yes more often it would be greater than less than etc.
Maybe I should just be asking what people normally do to store dates in
SQLite. (I'm guessing there aren't that many...)
Hi jeff
I do not have the exact answer and too busy now.
My impression that is printString is not what we want.
I want a
( DatePrinter on: DateAndTime now)
Because your printStri
12 matches
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