> On 23 Jul 2019, at 08:04, Marcus Denker wrote:
>> On 17 Jul 2019, at 07:46, Marcus Denker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This seems to have been caused by a faulty config (I really hate YAML…).
>> I changed it *and* put the day to be saturday, as they seem to have run into
>> rate lim
I am trying to load Seaside and Voyage to Pharo 7.0 64bit image using following
Metacello new
repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:v3.4.0/repository';
Metacello new
repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage:1.6/mc';
/"There was a gemstone workflow engine - it’s not ported, it looked
interesting but used a Windows bpml tool and again wasn’t sure if it
wanted to own the world, and porting it would be more than I wanted to do." /I think you are talking about BpmFlow (https://github.com/brunobuzzi/BpmFlow)
There was the MockGemstone package that created "compatible" reduced
conflict classes (that provide name compatibility but no RC behavior) and
other Gemstone globals (such as System) that you can use.
The develop in Pharo deploy in Gemstone is used by a few projects that I'm
aware of.
Add a
onConflict:[:ex | ex allow];
to your load instructions. e.g.
Metacello new
repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:v3.4.0/repository';
onConflict:[:ex | ex allow];
Metacello new
repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage
Ok, any hint to split the code area in Calypso at least?
El mié., 25 sept. 2019 a las 1:06, Hernán Morales Durand (<
hernan.mora...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> Hi,
> I have this idea of typing a method in a Browser and have another code
> area in the same browser where the method te