[Pharo-users] Pumping FFI documentation [WAS] FFI beginner question

2019-09-24 Thread Guillermo Polito
Hi Ted, I split this in a separate thread to avoid noise :) > El 23 sept 2019, a las 23:14, Brainstorms escribió: > > Guillermo, > > I'm interested in helping, but at this point, I think I'd be most helpful > working at improving documentation (mainly editing) rather than working on > Pharo co

Re: [Pharo-users] FFI beginner question

2019-09-24 Thread Guillermo Polito
> El 24 sept 2019, a las 4:35, Richard O'Keefe escribió: > > What I want to do is to create a binding for the SoftPosit library. > A typical function has an interface like >quire16_t q16_fdp_add(quire16_t, posit16_t, posit16_t); > where >typedef struct { uint16_t v; } posit16_t;

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-24 Thread PBKResearch
These discussions are interesting, but they have nothing to do with Pharo – I’m surprised we have not had a moderator intervening to say they are off-topic and political. The subject line says ‘Code of Conduct’, meaning the proposed Pharo Code of Conduct, so please can we keep the discussion abo

[Pharo-users] Pharo 8 and Teapot

2019-09-24 Thread sergio ruiz
Just checking in on this. I started up a REST API project in Pharo 8. I thought I read somewhere that Teapot was failing tests in Pharo 8. I fired it up, and put together the beginnings of the project, and it looks fine. All tests pass. There was one SSL test that was not running in 7 either,

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-24 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
I'll leave some research links that show a critical approach on how technology can be used for discrimination and to create discriminatory environments, even in places where technology is created: * http://codingplaces.net/ * https://bookbook.pubpub.org/data-feminism * https://data-activism.

Re: [Pharo-users] Reminder: Smalltalk Webcamp, 22nd of October

2019-09-24 Thread Craig Latta
Hi Johan-- Looking forward to it! -C *** On 23/9/19 19:57, Johan Brichau wrote: > Hi, > > Are you doing Web development with Smalltalk? Then this meeting is for you. > We organise an informal meetup on Smalltalk Web Technologies at the > Yesplan offices. > > ==

Re: [Pharo-users] Reminder: Smalltalk Webcamp, 22nd of October

2019-09-24 Thread Esteban Maringolo
Hi, I'll arrive to Ghent by train on Monday afternoon, and will likely wander around the city/museum and/or any other point of interest. I still haven't booked any lodging, and will likely go for a simple bed & breakfast since I plan to be outside as much as possible (if weather enables it). Rega

[Pharo-users] Difficulty to use Iceberg

2019-09-24 Thread Brainstorms
Jan Vrany <[hidden email]> wrote: > Hi, > > I'm experiencing difficulties (code loss, even) when trying to > commit code using Iceberg. > > I have a project with consist of some Pharo code and some > C++ code. Both parts kind of depend on each other. >... > Any suggestions? Would "git worktree add

Re: [Pharo-users] Pumping FFI documentation [WAS] FFI beginner question

2019-09-24 Thread eftomi
Hi Guille, Thanks for your efforts, we really appreciate it! I was intrigued by Stephan and tried to prepare something for the book, like a subtitle/small chapter "Exotic types", but then I noticed that you already put some additional content to the book on GitHub since the pdf at pharo.org was

Re: [Pharo-users] Pumping FFI documentation [WAS] FFI beginner question

2019-09-24 Thread Brainstorms
Hi Guillermo, I obviously gave the impression that I was focused on the UFFI code/documentation, but actually I'm up for helping in this way for any/all elements of Pharo, not just this one. Reviewing & editing (for grammar, clarification, spelling & punctuation, et al.) is definitely something I

[Pharo-users] Test method auto-generation in Calypso

2019-09-24 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hi, I have this idea of typing a method in a Browser and have another code area in the same browser where the method test is "automagically generated". This is, divide the current method pane in two: One for the method being written itself, and another for its test, where at least the method sele