Here's what I think.
copyFrom: start to: stop
" ANSI Smalltalk section, reorganised a bit.
Answer a new collection containing all of the elements of the
receiver between the indices start and stop inclusive in their
original order. The element at index start in the receiver
I didn't join all the dots.
My point is that [all] but {first,last} have simple definitions in terms
of #copyFrom:to: and that if you want to make them accept oversize counts,
you either have to change the definition of #copyFrom:to: (bad idea) or
cut these methods loose from #copyFrom:to: and defi
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This is actually an intersting discussion. There are several levels to it.
1. Should Pharo be compatible with a standard from 1998?
2. What is the general view on using exceptions in Pharo?
3. What should allButFirst: do?
Ad 1) I am relatively new to Pharo, If backwards compatibility is
Have you tried manually opening up the gmail account you are sending from in
the browser and looking for anything funny? I have had similar issues where
the gmail was needing a security prompt/response.
I wrote a service to send mails asynchronously (in case the gmail connection
was down and genera