On 24. 7. 2019 17:30, sergio ruiz wrote:
maybe this is cleaner..
tracks ifNil: [ self tracks: OrderedCollection new ].
^ tracks
IMO, return ifNil: value is an understood and used idiom, so I'd say
^ tracks ifNil: [ tracks := ... ]
is the most clean way. Maybe look at sender
Looks very interesting! I will read it (it arrives just in time to be part of
the holiday reading pile…)
> On 25 Jul 2019, at 11:29, Trygve wrote:
> Dear all,
> The final draft of my magnum opus about Personal Programming is now ready for
> review:
> http://folk.uio.no/trygve
On 25. 7. 2019 4:27, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
Comment 2.
?? This is a poor design.?? As it is, any object can replace the tracks
of an artist
?? with *anything*.?? And even without doing that, any object can add and
?? items to an artist's tracks, even if the added items are not Tracks
Me too !
And on the huge esug discussion points to have ^^
> Le 25 juil. 2019 à 13:09, Marcus Denker a écrit :
> Looks very interesting! I will read it (it arrives just in time to be part of
> the holiday reading pile…)
> Marcus
>> On 25 Jul 2019, at 11:29, Tr
Thanks for the tips. It is definitely a left over from porting DrGeo to
P7 from P4/5/6 (not sure)
But it can't really work as put:into: is used to write both sktech
content (XML file) and its PNG preview.
At some point in Pharo history both UTF8 and bitmap were using binary
Likely a putB
If you have a character read or write stream, you can use #wrappedStream to
access the underlying binary stream, should you need to do that.
> On 25 Jul 2019, at 20:31, Hilaire wrote:
> Thanks for the tips. It is definitely a left over from porting DrGeo to
> P7 from P4/5/6 (not sure)
> Bu
I don't understand how #wrappedStream works in my situation?
Is #isBinary not good enougth?
Le 25/07/2019 à 21:53, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> If you have a character read or write stream, you can use #wrappedStream to
> access the underlying binary stream, should you need to do that.
You said you wanted to write both character data (XML) as binary data (images)
to the same stream, or so I understood.
> On 26 Jul 2019, at 00:22, Hilaire wrote:
> I don't understand how #wrappedStream works in my situation?
> Is #isBinary not good enougth?
> Le 25/07/2019 à 21:53, Sven
I dream of a future with the release of a Loke 1.0 that is firmly
embedded in Pharo. A Loke that is quickly becoming the computing
environment of choice for millions of homeowners and schoolchildren.
On 25.07.2019 18:34, Cédrick Béler wrote:
Me too !
And on the huge esug discussion poi