On 30/04/19 3:35 AM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Anyway - I tried using the command line on OSX ( I noticed they had
used pharo, and not pharo-ui — which I never understood: why is it
not pharo for ui and pharo-cmd for terminal, as it burns most
people?) - and typed “pharo —help”, and you get an impress
TedVanGaalen wrote:
> Crying victory too soon:
> Alas, it happened again pharo screen frozen,
> partly drawn, when going to full screen
> ( see image.)
> frustrating.
> The strange thing however:
> the Seaside/Zinc server
> kept running that is: I could enter and save data in
> in my test ap
On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 17:44, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
> TedVanGaalen wrote:
> > Crying victory too soon:
> > Alas, it happened again pharo screen frozen,
> > partly drawn, when going to full screen
> > ( see image.)
> > frustrating.
> > The strange thing however:
> > the Seaside/Zinc server
Subbu - I didn’t understand your point? How would I know to do pharo -- --list
, by looking at the output of —help? (And in fact that doesn’t work on OSX, it
prompts me for an image - thus reinforcing my point that the default image
doesn’t appear to work, at least not in osx).
I swear a year o
Did we ever get the bottom of installing Pharo on linux? I have a user on Arch
linux who installed pharo from AUR (this is new stuff to me) - and once they
downloaded an image - they now get an error that looks suspiciously like this
libgit2 debacle - so I’m wondering what the solution was?
Hi Tim,
Looking at the resolution of the libgit library, I see that in pharo7 the
LGitLibrary >> unixModuleName
| pluginDir |
pluginDir := Smalltalk vm binary parent.
#('libgit2.so' 'libgit2.so.0')
detect: [ :each | (pluginDir / each) exists ]
ifFound: [ :libName | ^ libName ].
self e
Hi Guille - I’m not using Arch Linux myself - this was a seasoned exercism
contributor trying to give pharo a spin - and sadly it hasn’t gone well (shame
as they might have been an advocate) They also commented:
"I'm not quite sure though if I really want to continue from here. As someone
new t
Actually - the user has confirmed a bit more (which sounds like your hunch
Hmm… Just loading the image without `eval`ing something seems to boot up well.
But then I also realise, that there is a warning:
This has been bugging me for a long time - but its incredibly annoying that
when you right click on a class, package, Iceberg entry - that the context menu
doesn’t often appear. You have to click again (or remember to click first and
then right click - even if the reverent item is already highli
Guille - it looks like modifying that method and :
"I installed some other package (`libcurl-gnutls`) which is an "addon" to the
regular `libcurl`.”
Got us further - now he’s getting IceAuthenticationError- which could be down
to git vs https. (I can use the #remoteTypeSelector: trick to hopeful
Thanks, but I will revert to Pharo 5.0 (pre spur VM) again...
until the problems with 7.x are solved... or 8 is really stable.
I was regularly telling colleagues with whom I converse on Twitter
(e.g. Swift, C# and other programmers)
that they should try Smalltalk, especially Pharo,
to see for th
Oh well - even after modifying that method and trying the remoteTypeSelector:
trick it insists on giving the iceAuthenticationError - so maybe the libcurl2
install didn’t work (he said he had to install "libcurl-gnutls” to get that
Interestingly - my osx setup has suddenly starting giving
On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 10:02:35AM -0500, Brainstorms wrote:
> I tried this in a Linux container on a Chromebook (a Pixelbook model), and
> got the same behavior for both the Glamour Example Browser and when
> scrolling long methods in the code browser.
> The Linux version in the default ChromeO
On 30/04/19 6:14 PM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Subbu - I didn’t understand your point? How would I know to do pharo
-- --list , by looking at the output of —help? (And in fact that
doesn’t work on OSX, it prompts me for an image - thus reinforcing my
point that the default image doesn’t appear to work
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