One thing I have often seen and lamented is students
writing excessively complicated code with way too many
classes. There is a huge difference between
"A Robot knows its position and direction."
"A Robot has-a Position and has-a Direction."
The first is the important one. The second is
Remember, we cannot see the Smalltalk exercises in exercism.
We cannot help you without knowing what problem you are
trying to solve. Is this problem basically the same as
Op 8-4-2019 om 10:57 schreef Richard
One thing I have often
seen and lamented is students
writing excessively
complicated code with way too many
classes. There is a
huge difference between
Richard thanks.
One thing I do not see direct.
you said :
direction could be represented by a pair of integers
dy such that |dx|+|dy| = 1. It could also be
by a Point with integ
it is almost the same.
here exercism challenge looks like this :
Scoring Bowling
The game consists of 10 frames. A frame is composed of one or
two ball
throws with 10 pins standing at frame initialization. There are
Hi Tim,
> Hi Konrad - I think you can do what you describe - I think the
> ICeRepository entry for your project will have the path you want.
Indeed. Here's how to get the repository for class MyClass:
repo := IceRepository registeredRepositoryIncludingPackage: MyClass
And then the pa
I was going to comment the #when:do:[when:do:] approach of VAST [1].
Why do you say it won't be fast? Because of the multiple exception
handlers in the call stack?
I think that some construct might be used to obtain the same as the
#when:do:when:do: but using a chained approach instead.
It won't be fast because it creates multiple blocks,
whereas a "native" version would not.
To be honest I have not implemented exceptions in my
Smalltalk yet, but I want to inline []on:do: constructions.
The VAST system I have is 8.6.3, and it supports ANSI
On Tue, 9 Apr 2019 at 00:31,
Thanks Richard - indeed it was that VisualAge Smalltalk pattern that I was
remembering and looking for in Pharo, and was a bit surprised it wasn’t there -
and hence thought there’re was possibly a different way.
I might propose we add this, if no-one else comes up with a better
alternative. Ha
Am 08.04.19 um 14:39 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> It's easy enough to add your own methods like
> on: exn1 do: act1 on: exn2 do: act2
> "An imperfect emulation of VAST's #when:do:when:do:"
> ^[self on: exn1 do: act1] on: exn2 do: act2
> on: exn1 do: act1 on:
Maybe the abstraction needed wraps everything within a single handler,
but internally does a switch like statement dispatching to a
particular error handler block.
on: NotFoundError do: [:ex | ...];
on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [:ex | .. ].
The basic issue here is abstraction.
An instance of "Robot" in your program is not a
physical object. How could it possibly point North,
South, or Nor-nor-west? It cannot.
Its location and direction are abstract values
*metaphorically* related to real world notions
like position vectors and veloc
yes, this is a real tests from the
pharo track on
I understand what you mean but maybe I overthinking things.
But if we have a robot facing north and the robot turns to the
left , im my oponion it faces now to the east.
like th
You are expected to use my code fragments for *ideas*,
not to incorporate them *literally* in your code. As
I explained, *without seeing the specification*, I have
no way to tell whether the specification uses a left-handed
or right-handed coordinate system.
For what it's worth, here's a complete
for the discusson and lessons.
I will think about it and also think if smalltalk is for me.
I did the pharo Mooc and still have a lot of problems making the
smalltalk way click in my head so I can solve little problems like
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