> On 25 Sep 2018, at 20:05, brackendev wrote:
> Yes, this is impressive.
> I agree that any technical details and architectural insight (no matter how
> high-level) would be useful.
> Related: There's enough in http://pharo.org/success that it could be
> sectioned by tags (industries,
on Ubuntu system with Pharo Launcher 1.3
after create a new Pharo 7.0-64 bit ( development version )
when i launch the images the system answer :
Cannot determine image version: image version file not found!
Try to run this command in a shell to get more informatio
we (ZWEIDENKER) and RModD organized an IoT Hackathon in cologne at 19th of
october 2018. The plan will be:
- Allex Oliviera will present the tutorial he made on PharoThings [1]. The
audience will try it in a hands-on-session and give feedback to improve it.
Zweidenker is sponsoring the har
Hi Dario,
The problem is probably fixed in the latest PharoLauncher version (1.4)
available from http://pharo.org/download.
If not, as specified in the dialog text, please run the given command from the
command line to give us more information on what is the problem.
> Le 2
I would like a document where user types in normal text and plugs in
DrGeo view. The drgeo view will be dual. It will be alternatively the
output of a DrGeo script (drgeo canvas) or the DrGeo script itself (code).
The view will be interactive. In drgeo canvas mode, user plays with the
Ciao Christophe,
> Hi Dario,
> The problem is probably fixed in the latest PharoLauncher version (1.4)
> available from http://pharo.org/download.
Yes, i download the last Pharo launcher ( 1.4 ) and everything works,
> If not, as specified in the dialog text, please run the given co
> Am 25.09.2018 um 17:44 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe :
>> On 25 Sep 2018, at 14:39, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>>> Am 25.09.2018 um 12:52 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe :
>>> Wow. Very nice, well done.
>>> Any chance on some more technical details, as in what 'connecte
I would like to understand the differences between tree and fastTree.
I've got different behavior between tree and fastTree, the second failing
a subscript out of bounds.
It happens when I expand the root node and select one of the children.
it seems that the rootNode cannot find