Everyone can join
There are people in cagliari already. Sadly I won‘t be there before monday
> Am 08.09.2018 um 07:57 schrieb Joachim Tuchel :
> Waiting at the baggage claim ;-)
>> Am 08.09.2018 um 05:41 schrieb Sebastian Heidbrink
--- Begin Message ---
Thank you, Norbert!
Cool! No Facebook products here
CU Monday!
On 2018-09-08 9:55 a.m., Norbert Hartl wrote:
Everyone can join
There are people in cagliari already. Sadly I won‘t be there before monday
Is there a ready to download and to use Roassal for end user?
I found nothing on http://agilevisualization.com/ I can point a user to.
User unaware of Pharo, Smalltalk, etc.
Closest things I found is http://moosetechnology.org/#install. And
likely instructions will not work for a linux user.
An easy to way to get it:
It is included in the 'Moose Suite' distribution available through the
'Pharo Launcher'.
Another option is to load it through the catalog:
see recent question on this list --Fri, Aug 24, 2018
Subject: Roassal installation in Pharo 6.1 through the catalog?
On 9/8/18, H. Hirzel wrote:
> An easy to way to get it:
> It is included in the 'Moose Suite' distribution available through the
> 'Pharo Launcher'.
This is what you get when you go to
works very fine on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 in my case)
> Another option is to l
Hi all,
Just to inform that a Camp Smalltalk will be at the terrace of the Caffè delle
Arti starting at 10am.
Caffè delle Arti
Via del Fossario, 1, 09124 Cagliari CA, Italie
+39 392 396 3958
Feel free to join
Say I want to write ten tests for different aspects of a web service point.
Apart from the risk of relying on an external service,
I'd like to poll the web service once rather than ten times.
I wondering about the feasibility of memorizing data between test methods.
Taking for example...