Hi Andrei.
Look at this: https://github.com/dionisiydk/libssh2-pharo-bindings
It is very initial support but it was working in my tests
ср, 29 авг. 2018 г., 2:19 Andrei Stebakov :
> Is there an ssh client for Pharo just like net-ssh for Ruby?
> Thanks!
On 8/26/18, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>> Smalltalk keeps its curse of being so concern with the future that was
>> disconnected from most of the present and so, giving the majority of us
>> no
>> bridge between our present
>> and the Dynabook vision.
> The i
To summarize this thread:
Make sure Jupyter (http://jupyter.org/) is installed properly.
Then ZeroMQ will work with the Pharo Smalltalk kernel (
On 8/24/18, H. Hirzel wrote:
> user25@Latitude2:~$ find . -name libzmq*
> ./anaconda3/lib/pkgconfig/libzmq.p
Hello Jesús Marí
The JavaScript kernel has custom output functions [1] such as
What is the equivalent for $$.svg(svgString) for example?
[1] http://n-riesco.git
Some though on the topic
Dr. Geo
Hi, Denis
It fails to load in Pharo 6.1 with a message "Could not resolve:
Does it work for you?
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018, 05:47 Denis Kudriashov wrote:
> Hi Andrei.
> Look at this: https://github.com/dionisiydk/libssh2-pharo-bindings
> It is very initial support
I upgraded Pharo to latest 6.1. Now the prevouos issue is gone. Now I have
SSL socket related problem when it connects to secure git repo. Let me see
if it's only on Windows
On Aug 29, 2018 10:09, "Andrei Stebakov" wrote:
Hi, Denis
It fails to load in Pharo 6.1 with a message "Could not resolve
You can display text or html using
self display openInJupyter:'*hello world in bolt*'
or anything in a morph (a jpg, png ..a Roassal drawing).
self display openInJupyter: aMorph
you can expecify the extent
self display openInJupyter: aMorph extent: aPoint.
if you have installed Roassal group (i
On 8/29/18, Jesús Marí wrote:
> You can display text or html using
> self display openInJupyter:'*hello world in bolt*'
> or anything in a morph (a jpg, png ..a Roassal drawing).
> self display openInJupyter: aMorph
> you can expecify the extent
> self display openInJupyter: aMorph extent: aP
I'm trying to make zeromq work on win 32. zeromq lib is in C:\Program Files
(x86)\ZeroMQ 4.0.4\bin\libzmq-v100-mt-4_0_4.dll .
My Api #win32ModuleName returns exactly 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroMQ
4.0.4\bin\libzmq-v100-mt-4_0_4.dll' but when I try lo execute any call it
returns "module not found"
Thanks Peter! it is really helpful
On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 12:14 PM Peter Uhnák wrote:
> If you want some projects using metalinks for inspiration:
> https://github.com/peteruhnak/metalinks-toolkit
> https://github.com/peteruhnak/live-instance-viewer
> (the second one also has a link to PDF e
Hello, just a reminder that the survey closes on August 31st. If you missed the
announcement and would like to participate, you have a lasst chance.
Thank you all who gave their time to it.
Jerry Kott
This message has been digitally signed.
PGP Fingerprint:
Excuse the noise - this was user error, I synchronised my Pharo repository with
an out of date local copy, so I must have brought in some incompatible changes
with the new VM.
Phew !
> On 29 Aug 2018, at 23:42, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> I was going to look at testing my Create class in th
I am looking at porting my missing class creation code into Pharo 7, and I
notice there is a DynamicMessageImplementor that does this for methods - but
I’m wondering why when we create a missing method with ‘self
souldBeImplemented.’ with a trailing “.”?
The Smalltalk style guide normally says
I’ve submitted a PR for what I did, so at least it improves the situation (but
potentially could get even more refined as you suggest)
> On 23 Aug 2018, at 11:26, Marcus Denker wrote:
>> On 23 Aug 2018, at 15:56, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Hi Marcus - that’s actually what I do -
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