I would check this in Pharo, but have so far failed to get it running under
Ubuntu 17.10.
Squeak _is_ running there, sort of, and the definition of #permutationsDo:
in Interval
is this code:
permutationsDo: aBlock
"Repeatly value aBlock with a single copy of the receiver. Reorder the copy
so that
Hi Offray,
I think the docs you want are here:
Hope this helps,
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> Hi Sean,
> I w
+1 for what Richard says.
Moreover, if you know that n is small, and you really want copies of all th
permutations, then adding a copy message to your block is really simple.
But if the permutationsDo: method made the copy, then it would be useless
except for very small values of n.
The comment t