2016-09-02 8:25 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman :
> ctrl-c, ctrl-v are working in Linux Pharo 60197 and also Moose 6.0,
> but ctrl-b, ctrl-n, ctrl-m are not.
cheers -ben
I think it is not yet in.
related discussion:
Peter Uhnak wrote
> TextModel accepts Text:
Thanks for the sanity check. I realized where I was going wrong. There must
be some sort of guard inside TextModel that no-ops if the string is the
same, so changing the text works:
tm text: ((tm text allButLast) asText addAttribute: TextEmphasis
Peter Uhnak wrote
> LabelModel has #emphasis:
Another apparent bug:
LabelModel new
emphasis: #(struck); <--- doesn't work. It accepts #struck as a
valid option, but does not strike the text
label: 'struck';
View this message in con
Peter Uhnak wrote
> TextInputFieldModel will most likely require #whenBuiltDo: and Morphic
> hacking.
That is unfortunate. As a subclass, and conceptually in the model, it should
do everything that TextModel does - and more!
Since LabelModel and TextInputFieldModel have failed, it looks like t
2016-09-02 15:29 GMT+02:00 Sean P. DeNigris :
> Peter Uhnak wrote
> > LabelModel has #emphasis:
> Another apparent bug:
> LabelModel new
> emphasis: #(struck); <--- doesn't work. It accepts #struck as a
> valid option, but does not strike the text
> label: 'struck';
Thank you Stephane for the hint.
Through reading
UIManager createPageTestWorkspace
I found
UIManager default edit: (MyTextCollection at: 101) label: 'Text 101'.
It works fine for my purpose.
On 9/2/16, stepharo wrote:
> Look into UIManager helpers.
> I have to run now.
On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 12:40:06PM +0800, Ben Coman wrote:
> Referring to the example show_clang_version() below, cleanup is done
> with clang_disposeString(). How does UFFI hook into the object
> finalisation mechanism to call this when the object is garage
> collected.
Ben, see if this address
On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 06:40:01AM -0700, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Peter Uhnak wrote
> > TextInputFieldModel will most likely require #whenBuiltDo: and Morphic
> > hacking.
> That is unfortunate. As a subclass, and conceptually in the model, it should
> do everything that TextModel doe
Great job Vincent !
There is some problems on Mac OS X:
- when I try to load in a fresh Pharo 5.0 image, I got a DNU on:
RObjectArray class>>initElementType:
I was able to load the package after a while by loading directly the
package with the Monticello Browser
- Apparently there is still some me
If you have install R with brew, you will find the dll here:
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 7:25 PM, Alexandre Bergel
> I do not see any apparent libraries on OSX. I am inspecting the content of
> the R application Package and it
Thank you Ben for the confirmation and the link to the discussion.
Until this is resolved I got a workaround, see the other thread
"How do I display a text in a text window?"
UIManager default
edit: (MyTextCollection at: 101)
label: 'Text 101'.
This gives me access to
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> There must be some sort of guard inside TextModel that no-ops if the
> string is the same, so changing the text works:
This seems to be true of plain TextMorphs as well.
More disturbingly, it seems that LabelMorphs *silently throw away any
emphasis that isn't bold or ital
Hello all,
I am stuck with a silly issue but I can't figure it out. I am developing a
simple class as an example for using during a lecture.
I want to play with different version of the code and I set the package to
use the package-cache on Monticello. So, I can save the package on the
I'm writing a simple converter between Celcius and Farhenheit as an
example to start programming.
Converter >> convertFarhenheit: anInteger
^ ((anInteger - 32) / 1.8)
ConverterTest >> testFToC
| converter |
converter := TemperatureConverter new.
self assert: ((converter c
In my version there is commit in package menu (even if I never used it).
Did you see the videos I did for the mooc that explains the versions/and
Le 2/9/16 à 18:14, Federico.Balaguer a écrit :
Hello all,
I am stuck with a silly issue but I can't figure it out. I am developing a
Why not use "equalsTo:"?
Floats are tricky, you either round your result before comparing or
change the comparison method.
0.33 equalsTo: (1/3) "true"
Esteban A. Maringolo
2016-09-02 15:41 GMT-03:00 stepharo :
> Hi
> I'm writing a simple converter between Celcius and
You could implement a custom assert in ConverterTest to do the comparison,
something like
assert: aNumber withPrecision: precision equals: otherNumber
assert: (aNumber round: precision)
equals: otherNumber
assert: aNumber closeTo: otherNumber
assert: aNu
>From the Monticello chapter I had the impression that using the
package-cache as -default- repository would have the same effect on the
After I created a file repository for my package (different from the
package-cache) and made a change to a method on that package I saw the
how about having assert:closeTo: ?
> On 02 Sep 2016, at 21:09, Henrik Nergaard wrote:
> You could implement a custom assert in ConverterTest to do the comparison,
> something like
> assert: aNumber withPrecision: precision equals: otherNumber
> self
> assert: (aNumber roun
Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last fall. The
newest version has more tests and correct behavior (checked against a reference
implementation). Just download a new Moose image and you'll get it, along with
an up to date XMLParser. (But if you insist on upgrading
Hernan, the PharoExtras/XPath repo has a major rewrite of your package to support all of XPath 1.0 + XPath 2.0 extensions like the element() and attribute() type tests and namespace literals in name tests like '{namespaceURI}localName'. A rewrite was needed because the old lib only implemented a
Hi monty
In which repository this maintained version is?
Is it the entry in the catalog?
Le 3/9/16 à 07:54, monty a écrit :
Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last fall. The newest
version has more tests and correct behavior (checked against
would be nice to extend Sunit with that
Le 3/9/16 à 00:21, Yuriy Tymchuk a écrit :
how about having assert:closeTo: ?
On 02 Sep 2016, at 21:09, Henrik Nergaard wrote:
You could implement a custom assert in ConverterTest to do the comparison,
something like
assert: aNumber withPrecision:
Thanks I will try that.
Le 2/9/16 à 21:09, Henrik Nergaard a écrit :
You could implement a custom assert in ConverterTest to do the comparison,
something like
assert: aNumber withPrecision: precision equals: otherNumber
assert: (aNumber round: precision)
Thank you Monty for the clarification. I should say the original XPath
package was written by Phil Hargett and I just added a couple of methods.
Glad you rewrote the lib!
2016-09-03 3:01 GMT-03:00 monty :
> Hernan, the PharoExtras/XPath repo has a major rewrite of your package
This is the latest stable version:
name: 'XPath';
className: #ConfigurationOfXPath;
versionString: #stable;
> On Sep 3, 2016, at 8:02 AM,
Hi federico
We spent 8 months on this mooc so I think that there is a real value in it.
All the people that followed it told me that it is great and the
resources are freely accessible.
Now I cannot watch it for others :)
You should have a look at the [Live] videos
[Live] Diffing and M
Indeed, Monty is doing a great job at maintaining and evolving the XML support.
> On Sep 3, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Hernán Morales Durand
> wrote:
> Thank you Monty for the clarification. I should say the original XPath
> package was written by Phil Hargett and I just added a c
> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 2:02 AM
> From: stepharo
> To: "Any question about pharo is welcome"
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Hi monty
> In which repository this maintained version is?
PharoExtras/XPath (you gave me the write access).
> PharoExtras
+ 100
Le 3/9/16 à 08:17, Tudor Girba a écrit :
Indeed, Monty is doing a great job at maintaining and evolving the XML support.
On Sep 3, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Hernán Morales Durand
Thank you Monty for the clarification. I should say the original XPath package
Le 3/9/16 à 08:41, monty a écrit :
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 2:02 AM
From: stepharo
To: "Any question about pharo is welcome"
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
Hi monty
In which repository this maintained version is?
PharoExtras/XPath (you gave me the write a
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