uot; List data fields "
> shpE dataFields inspect.
> " List all shape records "
> shpE shapeRecords inspect.
> " Set the current attribute "
> shpE attribute: 'NAME'.
> legend := ColorLegend mapValuesToRandom: shpE valuesOfCurrentAttribute.
> shpE displayMorphic.
> With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display
> the vector data we would get much nicer maps...
> Hans
> From: Baveco, Hans mailto:hans.bav...@wur.nl>>
> Sent: vrijdag 5
attribute "
shpE attribute: 'NAME'.
legend := ColorLegend mapValuesToRandom: shpE valuesOfCurrentAttribute.
shpE legend: legend.
shpE displayMorphic.
> With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display
> the vector data we would get much nicer maps.
ation for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display
> the vector data we would get much nicer maps...
> Hans
> From: Baveco, Hans
> Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome
> Subject: [Pharo-users] shape f
much (243 hardly visible
With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display the
vector data we would get much nicer maps...
From: Baveco, Hans
Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: [Pharo-users] shape file rea
Hi Hernan
I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the
type of shape file returned is
self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194
where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31
"position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little End