Thanks for the reply.
> what do you return when you do not find the class
I guess you are talking about this block: "[ self objSuperclassId ifNotNil: [
self objSuperclass lookup: selector ]]". This code is based on the assumption
that the entire block returns "nil" when "self objSuperclassId" is
I found "testNilWhenErrorInLookup" indeed, sorry for that.
"testRaisesErrorSendWhenErrorInLookup" is still missing though. Maybe the name
has changed to this one:
testMethodNotFoundRaiseError "(self run: #testMethodNotFoundRaiseError)" self
should: [aPoint unarySend: #zork] raise: Error.
I checked
"(self selector: #testNilWhenErrorInLookup) run"
self assert: (pointClass lookup: #zork) isNil.
"The method zork is NOT implement on pointClass"
"(self selector: #testRaisesErrorSendWhenErrorInLookup) run
Hi edouard
I will check as soon as I get some time.
I'm new on this mailing list, this is my first mail :-)
I'm a student from University of Lille (France). I'm studying this
tutorial (I'm using Pharo 4 but it seems not to be a problem):
Hi Edward,
Le 19/11/2015 13:50, Edouard Delbar a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I'm new on this mailing list, this is my first mail :-)
> I'm a student from University of Lille (France). I'm studying this
> tutorial (I'm using Pharo 4 but it seems not to be a
> problem):
Hello everyone,
I'm new on this mailing list, this is my first mail :-)
I'm a student from University of Lille (France). I'm studying this tutorial
(I'm using Pharo 4 but it seems not to be a problem): I'm working
with the "ObjVLis