Thank you all, your answers allowed me to solve my problem. Also very
interesting tools!
On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Thierry Goubier
> Le 19/03/2015 19:05, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :
>> Thierry Goubier wrote
>>> you can use the parse tree rewriter of the Refactoring Browser set
Le 19/03/2015 19:05, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :
Thierry Goubier wrote
you can use the parse tree rewriter of the Refactoring Browser set
Didn't someone demo a cool rewrite tool GUI recently? I don't remember where
Yes! Mark Rizun rewrite tool ( Rec
Thierry Goubier wrote
> you can use the parse tree rewriter of the Refactoring Browser set
Didn't someone demo a cool rewrite tool GUI recently? I don't remember where
View this message in context:
Hi Laura,
you can use the parse tree rewriter of the Refactoring Browser set. Like
that, you can have a degree of control about what you do replace and on
For example, I'd try something like:
| rewrite |
rewrite := RBParseTreeRewriter new
replace: 'expression1'
with: 'e
Hi Laura,
you can use this method:
replaceAll: aString with: anotherString
> "replaces aString in source code in the whole image in all methods with
> anotherString"
> ((self systemNavigation allMethodsWithSourceString: aString matchCase:
> false) collect: #compiledMethod)
> do: [ :each | each me
Hi all,
How do you replace all 'expression1' in source code by 'expression2'?
I can find them with Finder but don't see any easy way to replace them.
My problem is i want to change parameter names in many methods.