[Pharo-users] Re: [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Freezing Pharo 9 development right now :)

2021-05-03 Thread Norbert Hartl
Very good! Does it mean the release will be around august? Norbert > Am 30.04.2021 um 23:04 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano : > > Hi, > > So, today I was checking how much it is missing for release and what is our > status, and I realized if we do not freeze now, we will never release in a > reaso

[Pharo-users] Re: [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Freezing Pharo 9 development right now :)

2021-05-02 Thread Noury Bouraqadi
Excellent news! On Apr 30 2021, at 11:04 pm, Esteban Lorenzano wrote: > Hi, > > So, today I was checking how much it is missing for release and what is our > status, and I realized if we do not freeze now, we will never release in a > reasonable time. > So, even if there are a couple of cleanup