I have a few projects that are more loosey goosey on timelines..
this one, people are wanting to see this info pretty soonish..
On November 3, 2016 at 2:23:39 PM, Dale Henrichs
(dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com) wrote:
I like the play around part:) Ping me when you find the time!
I like the play around part:) Ping me when you find the time!
On 11/02/2016 07:21 AM, sergio ruiz wrote:
For this project, I want to make progress based on feedback from
users ... there are lots of different directions that could be taken
from this starting point and I want to
I'm using STON for my Grafoscopio[1][2] project with pretty good
results. It's flexible, readable and well supported and document. Better
that JSON! Pretty recommended.
[1] http://mutabit.com/grafoscopio/index.en.html
[2] http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Offray/Grafoscopio
The funny thing about STON is that, as a professional developer, I am so used
to the whole world being a “hey, look! we have this too!!” world, that I never
looked into it at all..
I should have knows that that Pharo/Smalltalk community would, instead of “me
too” would say.. “look, here’s a cle
There is a chapter in the Enterprise Pharo book on STON that may be of some
help to you
The book also talks about other storage mechanisms, see
Yes, I will do this.. i bet i can even serve it up via http, and pull it
directly from my working image..
On November 2, 2016 at 12:24:48 PM, p...@highoctane.be (p...@highoctane.be)
Hum, use this instead:
self persistAsSton: someDataStructure toFile: 'persist.
Looks like I might stick with STON.. I am not really worried too much about
execution time or anything..
Need to look at one more thing..
If a user has say.. many stations.. meaning that they have an OrderedCollection
of Stations.. I need to check how that gets serialized, and what happens when
Hum, use this instead:
self persistAsSton: someDataStructure toFile: 'persist.dat'
someDataStructure := self loadStonFromFile: 'persist:dat'
Well, depends if you want to write to same file, different file etc, but
this will get you on the right track
On Wed, Nov 2, 20
Use these methods in your class.
loadStonFromFile: aDataFilenameString
| data |
data := STON fromStream: ((self dataFileNamed: aFilenameString) readStream).
persistAsSton: anObject toFile: aDataFilenameString (self newDataFileNamed:
aFilenameString) writeStreamDo: [ :out | out << (STON toSt
> On 2 Nov 2016, at 15:29, sergio ruiz wrote:
> Hmm… i need to look at this ..
> i can just burp out all my objects with ston and suck them back in on the
> local machine..
Just try it ;-)
STON put: myObjects onStream[Pretty]: fileStream.
STON fromStream: fileStream.
Fuel is another option , though ston will be more readable because ston is
text fluel is binary . SQLite is another one . You actually have a ton of
options here. You can even make your own binary or text format if want ,
it's easy.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2016 at 16:30, sergio ruiz wrote:
> Hmm… i need to
Hmm… i need to look at this ..
i can just burp out all my objects with ston and suck them back in on the local
On November 2, 2016 at 10:25:51 AM, p...@highoctane.be (p...@highoctane.be)
Keeping data in image with a STON export would be good enough:
Keeping data in image with a STON export would be good enough:
On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 3:21 PM, sergio ruiz wrote:
> For this project, I want to make progress based on feedback from users ...
> there are lots of different directions that could be taken from this
> starting point and I want to b
For this project, I want to make progress based on feedback from users ...
there are lots of different directions that could be taken from this starting
point and I want to be driven by user feedback ... so if you are willing to
provide feedback I am willing to work with you ...
i think that
On 11/1/16 12:28 PM, sergio ruiz wrote:
Okay.. is Voyage ready to rock and/or roll?
Voyage is definitely ready to rock and roll ... Voyage/Tugrik is ready
to be rocked ... it is functional and passes the tests (on Pharo5.0).
For this project, I want to make progress based on feedback from us
Okay.. is Voyage ready to rock and/or roll?
is today your birthday? for some reason, i got a notification of several things
on my machine today.. one of those being your birthday..
if so, happy birthday!
if not.. happy un-birthday!
On November 1, 2016 at 2:16:57 PM, Dale Henrichs
You might take a look at the talk I gave on Voyage/Tugrik at
ESUG(slides[1], video[2]). The project is in a functional, but roughed
out stage --- but the main idea behind it is that with GemStone as the
db serve, you are dealing with Smalltalk objects on both the client and
server ...
Hey, all..
One of the things that I find SUPER necessary when developing an app is to be
able to grab data from somewhere else and quickly and easily work on it from my
For instance, when I get a bug report that smells funny, the first thing i
sometimes do is run a script that grabs t
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